Android getNavHeight


In Android development, it is often necessary to calculate the height of the navigation bar programmatically. The navigation bar is the bar at the bottom of the screen that contains the back, home, and recent apps buttons. This article will explain how to get the height of the navigation bar in Android and provide code examples to help you implement it in your own projects.


To follow along with the code examples in this article, you will need:

  • Android Studio installed on your computer
  • Basic knowledge of Android development

Understanding the Navigation Bar

Before we dive into the code, let's take a moment to understand the navigation bar in Android. The navigation bar is a system feature that provides users with easy access to navigation controls. It is typically located at the bottom of the screen and can be hidden or shown depending on the device and the app's configuration.

The height of the navigation bar can vary depending on the device and the current configuration. For example, on devices with physical navigation buttons, the height of the navigation bar will be zero. On devices with virtual navigation buttons, the height will be non-zero.

Getting the Navigation Bar Height

To get the height of the navigation bar in Android, we can use the getNavigationBarHeight() method provided by the WindowManager class. This method returns the height of the navigation bar in pixels.

Here is an example of how to get the navigation bar height in Kotlin:

fun getNavigationBarHeight(context: Context): Int {
    val resources = context.resources
    val resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android")
    return if (resourceId > 0) {
    } else 0

In the above code, we first obtain the resources object from the context. We then use the getIdentifier() method to get the resource ID of the navigation bar height dimension. We pass the name of the dimension, "navigation_bar_height", the resource type, "dimen", and the package name, "android".

Next, we check if the resource ID is greater than 0. If it is, we use the getDimensionPixelSize() method to get the height of the navigation bar in pixels. If the resource ID is 0, it means that the device does not have a navigation bar, so we return 0.

Using the Navigation Bar Height

Now that we have the navigation bar height, we can use it in our code as needed. For example, we can dynamically adjust the layout to account for the navigation bar height.

Here is an example of how to adjust the layout to account for the navigation bar height in Kotlin:

val navigationBarHeight = getNavigationBarHeight(context)
val layoutParams = view.layoutParams as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
layoutParams.setMargins(0, 0, 0, navigationBarHeight)
view.layoutParams = layoutParams

In the above code, we first obtain the navigation bar height using the getNavigationBarHeight() function we defined earlier. We then obtain the layout parameters of the view we want to adjust using the layoutParams property.

Next, we cast the layout parameters to ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams since we want to adjust the margins. We then set the bottom margin to the navigation bar height using the setMargins() method. Finally, we assign the modified layout parameters back to the view.

By adjusting the layout to account for the navigation bar height, we ensure that our UI elements are not obscured by the navigation bar and that the user can interact with them properly.


In this article, we have learned how to get the height of the navigation bar in Android programmatically. We used the getNavigationBarHeight() method to obtain the height and showed how to use it to dynamically adjust the layout.

Understanding the navigation bar and being able to calculate its height is essential for creating user-friendly Android apps. By leveraging this knowledge, you can ensure that your app's UI elements are properly positioned and visible to the user.

Remember that the navigation bar height can vary depending on the device and configuration, so it is important to handle this dynamically in your code.