Docker Run: Default Root Password


Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment and management of applications inside containers. Containers provide isolation and portability, enabling applications to run consistently across different environments. When running containers, it's important to ensure the security of the system. One aspect of security is setting a strong password for the root user.

In this article, we will explore how to set a default root password when running a Docker container. We will also discuss the reasons behind setting a strong password and provide examples of how to implement this in Docker.

Why Set a Default Root Password?

By default, Docker creates a root user inside the container. The root user has unlimited access to the system and can perform any action. If the root user's password is weak or easily guessable, it can lead to security vulnerabilities. Setting a strong password for the root user helps prevent unauthorized access and protects sensitive data within the container.

Setting the Default Root Password

To set a default root password, you can use the --env or -e flag when running the Docker container. This flag allows you to pass environment variables to the container. In our case, we will pass the ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable to set the root user's password.

Here's an example of how to set the default root password using the docker run command:

docker run -e ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword myimage

In this example, we pass the environment variable ROOT_PASSWORD with the value mypassword to the container. The container will then set the root user's password to mypassword.

Practical Example

Let's take a practical example where we have a Docker image of a web server that needs a default root password. We will create a Dockerfile that sets the environment variable and builds the image.

# Dockerfile
FROM nginx:latest


In this example, we use the nginx base image and set the ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable to mypassword.

To build the image, we run the following command:

docker build -t myimage .

Once the image is built, we can run the container with the following command:

docker run -e ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword myimage

Now, the container has the default root password set to mypassword, providing an extra layer of security.


Setting a default root password for Docker containers is an essential step in ensuring the security of your system. By following the examples provided in this article, you can easily set a strong password for the root user when running a Docker container.

Remember to choose a strong password and avoid using easily guessable passwords. Additionally, it's important to keep your Docker images and containers up to date with security patches to minimize the risk of vulnerabilities.

By implementing these practices, you can enhance the security of your Docker containers and protect your applications and data.

    title Docker Run: Default Root Password
    section Before
    Docker Image Creation --> Docker Image Building: Dockerfile with ENV variable
    section Running
    Docker Image Building --> Docker Container Creation: docker build command
    Docker Container Creation --> Docker Container Running: docker run command
    section After
    Docker Container Running --> Password Set: Default root password set
    Password Set --> Security Improved: Strong root password enhances security
    Security Improved --> End: Docker container secure and ready to use
    title Root Password Complexity
    "Weak" : 35
    "Moderate" : 30
    "Strong" : 35

In the journey diagram, we depict the process of setting the default root password. The pie chart illustrates the complexity distribution of root passwords used in Docker containers.