OpenStack Network Agent List


OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that allows users to manage and control a pool of computing resources. One of the essential components of OpenStack is the networking service, which is responsible for creating and managing virtual networks for the instances running on the cloud.

In OpenStack networking, Network Agents play a crucial role in providing network connectivity and services. They are responsible for managing network-related services such as DHCP, L3 routing, load balancing, and firewall. In this article, we will explore the concept of Network Agents in OpenStack and learn how to list them using the OpenStack command-line interface (CLI).


To follow along with the examples in this article, you will need:

  1. An OpenStack installation.
  2. Access to the OpenStack command-line interface (CLI).

OpenStack Network Agents

Network Agents are software components that run on compute nodes in an OpenStack deployment. They are responsible for providing network services and connectivity to instances running on the cloud.

Some of the commonly used Network Agents in OpenStack are:

Network Agent Description
DHCP Agent Manages DHCP services for virtual networks and instances.
L3 Agent Provides L3 routing and NAT services between networks.
Metadata Agent Provides metadata services to instances for cloud-init.
Loadbalancer Manages load balancing services for applications.
Firewall Agent Manages firewall services for instances.

To list the Network Agents in your OpenStack deployment, you can use the following command:

openstack network agent list

This command will display a table with detailed information about each Network Agent, including their ID, agent type, host, and availability zone.


Let's assume we have an OpenStack deployment with three Network Agents: DHCP Agent, L3 Agent, and Metadata Agent. We can use the following command to list the Network Agents:

openstack network agent list

The output will be:

| ID                                   | Agent Type         | Host       | Availability Zone | Alive | State          | Binary                    |
| 6e1c4feb-5d4f-4029-ae23-6d4c8f8c0d23 | DHCP agent         | compute1   | nova              | True  | UP             | neutron-dhcp-agent        |
| 46eab498-1a8e-4fcd-9e6d-7f2393adaac8 | L3 agent           | compute2   | nova              | True  | UP             | neutron-l3-agent          |
| 4d6aa3ce-9a1b-4e6e-9b0a-2e22d3fd7d74 | Metadata agent     | compute3   | None              | True  | UP             | neutron-metadata-agent    |

From the output, we can see that we have three Network Agents running on different compute nodes. Each agent has a unique ID, agent type, host, availability zone, alive status, state, and binary.


In this article, we explored the concept of Network Agents in OpenStack and learned how to list them using the OpenStack command-line interface. Network Agents play a vital role in providing network connectivity and services to instances running on the cloud. Understanding the different types of Network Agents and their responsibilities is essential for effectively managing and troubleshooting networking in an OpenStack deployment.

To learn more about OpenStack networking and Network Agents, refer to the official OpenStack documentation.


  • [OpenStack Documentation](
  • [OpenStack Networking Guide](