MySQL Update Union Key


In MySQL, the UPDATE statement is used to modify existing data in a table. It allows you to update one or more columns of a table based on certain conditions. One commonly used feature of the UPDATE statement is the UNION key, which allows you to combine the results of multiple UPDATE statements into a single result set.

In this article, we will explore how to use the UNION key in the UPDATE statement in MySQL. We will also provide some code examples to demonstrate its usage.


The basic syntax of the UPDATE statement with the UNION key is as follows:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name1 = value1,
    column_name2 = value2,
FROM table_name2
WHERE condition1
SELECT column_name3, column_name4, ...
FROM table_name3
WHERE condition2;

In this syntax, the UPDATE statement first sets the values of one or more columns in the table_name table based on the WHERE condition. Then, the UNION key is used to combine the results of the UPDATE statement with the SELECT statement.

Code Examples

Let's consider a scenario where we have two tables: customers and orders. The customers table contains information about customers, and the orders table contains information about their orders. We want to update the status column in the orders table based on certain conditions.

Example 1: Update status for specific customers

UPDATE orders
SET status = 'completed'
FROM customers
WHERE orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id
  AND = 'USA';

In this example, we update the status column in the orders table to 'completed' for all orders placed by customers from the USA. The customer_id column is used as a foreign key to join the orders and customers tables.

Example 2: Update status based on order date

UPDATE orders
SET status = 'shipped'
  SELECT order_id
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date < '2022-01-01'
  SELECT order_id
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date > '2022-12-31'
) AS filtered_orders
WHERE orders.order_id = filtered_orders.order_id;

In this example, we update the status column in the orders table to 'shipped' for all orders placed before 2022 or after 2022. The filtered_orders subquery is used to select the order IDs based on the specific conditions, and then the UNION key is used to combine the two result sets.

Class Diagram

Below is a class diagram illustrating the relationship between the customers and orders tables:

    Class01 <|-- Customer
    Class01 <|-- Order
    Class01 : customer_id
    Class01 : name
    Class01 : country
    Class02 : order_id
    Class02 : customer_id
    Class02 : order_date
    Class02 : status
    Customer : +getCustomerInfo()
    Order : +getOrderInfo()

The Customer class represents a customer and has properties such as customer_id, name, and country. The Order class represents an order and has properties such as order_id, customer_id, order_date, and status. The getCustomerInfo() and getOrderInfo() methods can be used to retrieve information about a customer and an order, respectively.


The UNION key in the UPDATE statement in MySQL allows you to combine the results of multiple UPDATE statements into a single result set. It is useful when you need to update data in a table based on various conditions or from different sources. In this article, we discussed the syntax and provided code examples to demonstrate how to use the UNION key in the UPDATE statement. We also included a class diagram to illustrate the relationship between the tables involved in the examples.

By understanding and utilizing the UNION key in the UPDATE statement, you can efficiently update data in your MySQL tables based on specific conditions or from different sources.