Android 11 FileOutputStream Explained


In Android development, one of the most common operations is reading and writing files. To accomplish this, Android provides various classes and APIs. One such class is FileOutputStream, which allows us to write data to a file in the device's storage. In this article, we will explore the usage of FileOutputStream in Android 11 and provide code examples to demonstrate its usage.

What is FileOutputStream?

FileOutputStream is a class in Android that provides an output stream for writing data to a file. It is part of the package and allows us to create and write data to a file in the device's storage. The class provides various methods to write different types of data, such as bytes, integers, strings, etc.

Basic Usage

To use FileOutputStream, we need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of FileOutputStream by providing the file path.
  2. Write data to the file using the available methods.
  3. Close the FileOutputStream to release system resources.

Here's an example demonstrating the basic usage of FileOutputStream:

String filePath = "/sdcard/myfile.txt";
String data = "Hello, FileOutputStream!";

try {
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
} catch (IOException e) {

In the above example, we create a FileOutputStream instance with the file path "/sdcard/myfile.txt". We then write the data "Hello, FileOutputStream!" to the file using the write() method. Finally, we close the FileOutputStream to release system resources.

Handling Exceptions

When working with file operations in Android, it is essential to handle exceptions properly. The FileOutputStream methods may throw an IOException if there is an error while writing to the file. It is recommended to wrap the code inside a try-catch block to handle such exceptions gracefully.

try {
    // FileOutputStream code here
} catch (IOException e) {

File Modes

FileOutputStream provides different modes for writing to a file. The default mode is to create a new file or overwrite the existing file if it already exists. However, there are other modes available, such as append mode, which allows us to append data to an existing file without overwriting its content.

To write data in append mode, we need to pass an additional parameter to the FileOutputStream constructor:

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath, true);

By passing true as the second parameter, the file is opened in append mode, and the data will be written to the end of the file.

Example: Writing Integers

Apart from writing strings, FileOutputStream can also write other data types. Let's see an example where we write integers to a file:

String filePath = "/sdcard/myfile.txt";

try {
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);

} catch (IOException e) {

In the above example, we create a DataOutputStream from the FileOutputStream. The DataOutputStream provides methods to write different data types. We use the writeInt() method to write two integers to the file.


In this article, we explored the usage of FileOutputStream in Android 11. We learned about its basic usage, handling exceptions, and different file modes. We also saw an example of writing integers to a file using FileOutputStream.

File operations are essential in Android applications, and FileOutputStream provides a convenient way to write data to files. It is crucial to handle exceptions properly to ensure the stability and reliability of our applications.

Remember to always close the FileOutputStream after use to release system resources and avoid memory leaks. With the knowledge gained from this article, you can now confidently use FileOutputStream to write data to files in your Android applications.