OpenStack Tempest: A Comprehensive Guide


OpenStack Tempest is a testing framework specifically designed for OpenStack. It is used to validate the functionality and compatibility of OpenStack APIs and services. Tempest provides a wide range of tests that cover various aspects of the OpenStack ecosystem, including compute, networking, storage, and identity services.

In this article, we will explore the basics of OpenStack Tempest and learn how to write and execute tests using Tempest.


Before we delve into writing tests, let's start by installing Tempest.

  1. First, ensure that you have an OpenStack environment set up and running.

  2. Clone the Tempest repository from the official GitHub repository:

$ git clone 
  1. Install the necessary dependencies using pip:
$ cd tempest
$ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt
  1. Create a configuration file by copying the sample configuration file:
$ cp etc/tempest.conf.sample etc/tempest.conf
  1. Edit the configuration file and provide the necessary credentials and settings:
$ vi etc/tempest.conf

Writing Tests

Now that we have Tempest installed, let's dive into writing tests.

  1. Create a new test file (e.g., in the tempest/api/compute directory:
$ cd tempest/api/compute
$ touch
  1. Open the file and import the necessary modules:
import testtools
from tempest.api.compute import base
from tempest.common import utils
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib import decorators
  1. Define a class for the test case, inheriting from base.BaseV2ComputeTest:
class TestExample(base.BaseV2ComputeTest):
  1. Add the necessary setup and teardown methods:
    def resource_setup(cls):
        super(TestExample, cls).resource_setup()

    def resource_cleanup(cls):
        super(TestExample, cls).resource_cleanup()
  1. Implement the actual test methods:
    def test_example(self):
        # Your test code here
  1. Run the tests using the testr command:
$ testr run tempest.api.compute.test_example

Test Annotations

Tempest provides annotations to categorize and customize tests. These annotations can be used to control the execution, skip tests, or mark tests as expected failures.

  • @decorators.attr(type='smoke'): Marks the test as a smoke test.
  • @decorators.attr(type='gate'): Marks the test as a gate test.
  • @decorators.idempotent_id('12345678-1234-5678-abcd-1234567890ab'): Assigns a unique ID to the test case.

Configuration Options

Tempest provides a wide range of configuration options to customize the test run. These options can be set in the etc/tempest.conf file.

Some common configuration options include:

  • [compute] image_ref: The ID of the image to be used in the tests.
  • [compute] flavor_ref: The ID of the flavor to be used in the tests.
  • [identity] username: The username to be used for authentication.
  • [identity] password: The password to be used for authentication.

For a complete list of configuration options, refer to the official Tempest documentation.


OpenStack Tempest is a powerful testing framework that enables comprehensive testing of OpenStack APIs and services. In this article, we covered the basics of installing and using Tempest, as well as writing tests using Tempest.

To learn more about Tempest and its capabilities, refer to the official documentation and explore the available test cases and annotations.

Happy testing!


  • [OpenStack Tempest Official Documentation](