1. Introduction

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) used by many developers and organizations. One of the useful functions provided by MySQL is SUBSTRING_INDEX. In this article, we will explore the usage of SUBSTRING_INDEX and provide code examples to illustrate its functionality.

2. Understanding SUBSTRING_INDEX

SUBSTRING_INDEX is a built-in string function in MySQL that allows you to extract a substring from a string based on a specified delimiter. It returns a portion of the string before or after the delimiter, depending on the parameters passed to the function.

The syntax for using SUBSTRING_INDEX is as follows:

SUBSTRING_INDEX(string, delimiter, count)
  • string: The original string from which the substring needs to be extracted.
  • delimiter: The delimiter used to separate the string.
  • count: The number of occurrences of the delimiter to consider. If positive, the function returns the substring before the nth occurrence of the delimiter, if negative, it returns the substring after the nth occurrence of the delimiter.

3. Examples

Let's dive into some practical examples to understand how SUBSTRING_INDEX works.

Example 1: Extracting Substring before the Delimiter

Suppose we have the following table called employees:

id name email
1 John Doe
2 Jane Smith
3 Michael Johnson

If we want to extract the first name of each employee from the name column, we can use SUBSTRING_INDEX as follows:

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, ' ', 1) AS first_name FROM employees;

The result will be:


In this example, we specify a space (' ') as the delimiter, and since we want the portion of the string before the delimiter, we use 1 as the count.

Example 2: Extracting Substring after the Delimiter

Now, let's extract the last name of each employee from the name column.

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, ' ', -1) AS last_name FROM employees;

The result will be:


In this example, we still use a space (' ') as the delimiter, but this time we specify -1 as the count, indicating that we want the portion of the string after the delimiter.

Example 3: Extracting Substring using Different Delimiters

SUBSTRING_INDEX can also handle different delimiters. Let's consider an example where we want to extract the domain name from the email addresses in the email column.

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(email, '@', -1) AS domain FROM employees;

The result will be:


In this example, we use '@' as the delimiter and -1 as the count to extract the domain name portion of the email addresses.

4. Conclusion

SUBSTRING_INDEX is a helpful function in MySQL that allows you to extract substrings from strings based on specified delimiters. It can be used to manipulate and transform data in various ways, such as separating names into first and last names or extracting domain names from email addresses.

By understanding the syntax and examples provided in this article, you can leverage SUBSTRING_INDEX to perform more complex data operations in your MySQL queries.