JavaScript Alert 404


In web development, it is common to encounter errors such as "404 Not Found" when a requested resource cannot be found on the server. To handle and inform users about such errors, JavaScript provides a useful function called alert(). This article will explore how to use the alert() function in JavaScript to display an error message when a 404 error occurs.

What is the alert() function?

The alert() function is a built-in function in JavaScript that displays a dialog box with a message and an OK button. It is commonly used to provide information or prompt the user for input. The syntax for the alert() function is as follows:


Where message is the text to be displayed in the dialog box.

Handling a 404 error with JavaScript

When a user encounters a 404 error while browsing a website, it means that the requested resource (such as a webpage, image, or script) could not be found on the server. Rather than displaying a generic error page, we can use JavaScript to provide a more user-friendly alert message.

To handle a 404 error with JavaScript, we can use the window.onerror event handler. This event is triggered whenever an unhandled JavaScript error occurs. We can override the default behavior of displaying an error message in the console and instead show an alert to the user.

Here is an example of how to implement this:

window.onerror = function (message, url, line, column, error) {
  if (message.includes("404")) {
    alert("The requested resource could not be found.");

In the example above, we assign an anonymous function to the window.onerror event handler. This function takes several parameters: message (the error message), url (the URL of the script in which the error occurred), line (the line number where the error occurred), column (the column number where the error occurred), and error (the JavaScript Error object).

Within the function, we check if the error message includes the string "404". If it does, we display a custom alert message using the alert() function.

Testing the code

To test the above code, we can intentionally trigger a 404 error by requesting a resource that does not exist on the server. For example, we can try to load an image that is not available:

<img src="nonexistent-image.jpg" alt="Nonexistent Image">

When the browser encounters a 404 error while loading the image, the window.onerror event will be triggered, and the custom alert message will be displayed.


The following flowchart illustrates the process of handling a 404 error with JavaScript:

st=>start: User encounters a 404 error
op=>operation: JavaScript code sends alert message
e=>end: Alert message displayed to the user



Using the alert() function in JavaScript, we can provide a more user-friendly experience when a 404 error occurs. By overriding the default error handling behavior, we can display a custom alert message to inform the user about the missing resource. This allows us to improve the overall usability and user experience of our web applications.