Git Hooks in Python

Git hooks are scripts that are automatically executed in response to certain events in Git. They allow developers to automate and enforce certain actions or checks before or after certain Git operations. Git hooks provide a powerful way to customize the behavior of a repository.

In this article, we will explore Git hooks in Python and how they can be used to enhance the development process.

Types of Git Hooks

There are two types of Git hooks: client-side and server-side hooks.

  • Client-side hooks are triggered by operations performed on the developer's local machine.
  • Server-side hooks are triggered by operations performed on the server.

Some common examples of Git hooks include:

  • pre-commit - Triggered before the commit is made.
  • post-commit - Triggered after the commit is made.
  • pre-push - Triggered before the push is executed.
  • post-receive - Triggered after the push is received on the server.

Creating Git Hooks in Python

To create a Git hook in Python, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the .git/hooks directory of your repository. If it doesn't exist, create it.

  2. Create a new file with the name of the hook you want to create. For example, to create a pre-commit hook, create a file named pre-commit.

  3. Make the file executable using the chmod command. For example, chmod +x pre-commit.

  4. Open the hook file in a text editor and write your Python script.

  5. Save the file.

Here is an example of a pre-commit hook written in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess

def check_code():
    """Runs code checks before committing."""
    result =['flake8', '--max-line-length=100', '--exclude=venv', '--ignore=E402', '.'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    if result.returncode != 0:
        print('Code check failed. Please fix the issues before committing.')
        return False
    return True

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, we're using the subprocess module to run a code check using Flake8 before allowing the commit. If the code check fails, the script prints the error message and the output of the code check command.

Advantages of Using Git Hooks in Python

Using Git hooks in Python has several advantages:


Git hooks provide automation capabilities, allowing you to run scripts or commands automatically before or after certain Git operations. This can help enforce coding standards, run tests, or perform any other custom action.


Python is a powerful and flexible programming language. With Git hooks in Python, you can write custom scripts tailored to your specific needs. You have full control over the behavior and logic of the hook.

Integration with Existing Tools

Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. You can easily integrate external tools or services into your Git hooks to perform additional checks or actions. For example, you can use static analysis tools like PyLint or code formatters like Black.


Git hooks in Python provide a way to automate and customize the behavior of a Git repository. Through the use of hooks, developers can enforce coding standards, run tests, or perform any other custom action. Python's flexibility and rich ecosystem of libraries make it an ideal choice for writing Git hooks.

Table: Common Git Hooks

Hook Description
pre-commit Runs before committing changes.
post-commit Runs after committing changes.
pre-push Runs before pushing changes.
post-receive Runs after receiving pushed changes.

Remember to make your hook scripts executable and place them in the appropriate .git/hooks directory.