Zabbix Template for Redis Database Monitoring


Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It provides high performance and low latency, making it a popular choice for various applications. Monitoring a Redis database is essential to ensure its smooth operation and identify any potential issues.

In this article, we will explore how to monitor a Redis database using Zabbix, an open-source monitoring software. We will create a Zabbix template that includes various items, triggers, and graphs to monitor the key performance metrics of a Redis database.


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • Zabbix server installed and running
  • Redis server installed and running
  • Zabbix agent installed on the Redis server

Zabbix Template Configuration

We will start by creating a Zabbix template specifically for monitoring Redis. This template will contain items, triggers, and graphs to monitor the following metrics:

  1. Memory Usage
  2. CPU Usage
  3. Network Traffic (incoming and outgoing)
  4. Connection Status
  5. Keyspace Hits and Misses
  6. Latency

Step 1: Create a Template

Begin by logging into your Zabbix server and navigating to Configuration > Templates. Click on the Create template button and provide a name for the template, such as "Redis Database Monitoring".

Step 2: Add Items

Next, we will add items to monitor the Redis database metrics. Click on the "Items" tab and then click on the "Create item" button. Here are some examples of items you can create:

Item Key Item Type Item Key Parameters Application[used_memory] Zabbix agent - Redis Database Monitoring
redis.cpu.used Zabbix agent - Redis Database Monitoring
net.tcp.service[redis] Zabbix agent - Redis Database Monitoring
redis.keyspace.hits Zabbix agent - Redis Database Monitoring
redis.latency.latest Zabbix agent - Redis Database Monitoring

Step 3: Define Triggers

Once the items are added, we need to define triggers that will be activated when certain conditions are met. Click on the "Triggers" tab and then click on the "Create trigger" button. Here are some examples of triggers you can create:

  • Memory Usage High: {Template Redis Database[used_memory].last()} > 80
  • CPU Usage High: {Template Redis Database Monitoring:redis.cpu.used.last()} > 90
  • Connection Failed: {Template Redis Database Monitoring:net.tcp.service[redis].nodata(5m)}=1

Step 4: Create Graphs

Graphs are a visual representation of the monitored data, allowing us to easily analyze trends and patterns. Click on the "Graphs" tab and then click on the "Create graph" button. Here are some examples of graphs you can create:

  • Memory Usage:[used_memory]
  • CPU Usage: redis.cpu.used
  • Network Traffic:[eth0] and net.if.out[eth0]


In this article, we have learned how to monitor a Redis database using Zabbix. We created a Zabbix template that includes items, triggers, and graphs to monitor key performance metrics. By monitoring these metrics, we can ensure the smooth operation of our Redis database and identify any potential issues.

Remember to install the Zabbix agent on the Redis server and configure it to communicate with the Zabbix server. This will allow the Zabbix server to collect the necessary data and provide valuable insights into the Redis database's performance.

Monitoring is a critical aspect of maintaining a healthy Redis database, and Zabbix provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring various metrics. With Zabbix, you can proactively identify and resolve issues, ensuring optimal performance and reliability for your Redis database.