Redis Could not safely identify store assignment


Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is often used as a database, cache, and message broker. It provides high performance and scalability, making it a popular choice for many applications. However, there are times when Redis encounters issues, one of which is "Could not safely identify store assignment". In this article, we'll explore this error and provide a code example to help you understand and resolve it.

Error Explanation

The error "Could not safely identify store assignment" occurs when Redis fails to identify which server in a cluster should be responsible for storing a specific key. This issue can arise in a Redis cluster setup where data is distributed across multiple nodes. When a client tries to access a key, Redis needs to determine which node should handle the request. If Redis fails to identify the correct node, it throws this error.

Code Example

Let's consider a simple code example to illustrate the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error in Redis cluster.

import redis

# Connect to Redis cluster
cluster = redis.RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[
    {"host": "", "port": "7000"},
    {"host": "", "port": "7001"},
    {"host": "", "port": "7002"},

# Set a key-value pair
cluster.set("key", "value")

# Retrieve the value
value = cluster.get("key")

In this code example, we connect to a Redis cluster consisting of three nodes. We set a key-value pair and retrieve the value using the get() method. However, if Redis fails to identify the correct node to store the key, it throws the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error.


To resolve the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check Redis Cluster Configuration: Ensure that the cluster configuration is correct and all nodes are properly connected.

  2. Inspect Cluster State: Use the CLUSTER NODES command in the Redis CLI to check the cluster state. Look for any nodes that are in a disconnected or invalid state. If there are any issues, fix them accordingly.

  3. Restart Nodes: Restart the Redis nodes in the cluster to refresh their states. This can help resolve any transient issues causing the assignment error.

  4. Rebalance Cluster: If the error persists, you can try rebalancing the cluster. This involves redistributing the keys across the nodes to achieve a more balanced distribution, which might resolve the assignment error. You can use the CLUSTER REPLICATE command to migrate keys from one node to another.

  5. Avoid Overloading the Cluster: Ensure that the Redis cluster is not overloaded with too many requests or data. High load can lead to assignment errors. Consider scaling up the cluster by adding more nodes or optimizing the application workload.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error in Redis cluster.


Redis provides an efficient and scalable solution for storing and managing data. However, errors like "Could not safely identify store assignment" can occur in a Redis cluster setup. By understanding the error and following the suggested solutions, you can resolve this issue and ensure smooth operation of your Redis cluster. Remember to regularly monitor the cluster state and take appropriate measures to maintain its stability and performance.

Class Diagram

Here is a class diagram representing the Redis Cluster:

    RedisCluster --> RedisNode
    RedisCluster --> RedisNode
    RedisCluster --> RedisNode
    RedisCluster --> RedisNode
    class RedisCluster {
        -nodes: List<RedisNode>
        +set(key, value): void
        +get(key): value
    class RedisNode {
        -host: string
        -port: string
        +set(key, value): void
        +get(key): value

Gantt Chart

Here is a Gantt chart representing the steps to resolve the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error:

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title Redis Cluster Error Resolution
    section Check Configuration
    Configuration Check      :done,    2022-01-01, 1d
    section Inspect Cluster State
    Cluster State Inspection :done,    2022-01-02, 2d
    section Restart Nodes
    Nodes Restart            :done,    2022-01-04, 1d
    section Rebalance Cluster
    Cluster Rebalancing      :active,  2022-01-05, 3d
    section Avoid Overloading
    Load Optimization        :           2022-01-08, 2d

By following this Gantt chart, you can systematically resolve the "Could not safely identify store assignment" error in your Redis cluster.

Remember to always keep an eye on the Redis cluster's health and performance to ensure smooth operation and efficient data management.