Java: error: invalid source release

1. Introduction

When working with Java, you might come across an error message like "java: error: invalid source release". This error typically occurs when the version of Java you are using to compile your code is not compatible with the source code you are trying to compile. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

2. Understanding the error message

The error message "java: error: invalid source release" is usually accompanied by a version number, such as "1.8" or "1.11". This version number refers to the Java Development Kit (JDK) version that you are using. The error message indicates that the version specified is not valid for the source code you are trying to compile.

3. Common causes of the error

There are a few common causes for the "java: error: invalid source release" error:

  • Mismatched JDK version: The version of the JDK you are using is lower than the version required by your source code.
  • Incorrect JDK configuration: The JDK configuration used by your IDE or build tool is pointing to an incorrect JDK version.
  • Missing or incorrect Java environment variables: The Java environment variables are not set or are set to an invalid JDK version.

4. Resolving the "invalid source release" error

To resolve the "java: error: invalid source release" error, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Check JDK version

First, check the version of the JDK you have installed on your system. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

java -version

This command will display the version of Java currently installed.

Step 2: Verify source code compatibility

Next, verify the compatibility of your source code with the JDK version. If you are using an IDE, check the project settings or preferences to ensure that the correct JDK version is selected.

Step 3: Update JDK version

If the JDK version you have installed is lower than the required version, you will need to update it. Visit the Oracle website or the website of your JDK provider to download and install the latest version of the JDK.

Step 4: Update IDE or build tool settings

If you are using an IDE or build tool, update the JDK configuration to point to the correct JDK version. Refer to the documentation of your specific IDE or build tool for instructions on how to update the JDK settings.

Step 5: Set Java environment variables

In some cases, the Java environment variables may be missing or set to an incorrect JDK version. To resolve this, you need to set or update the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables.

  • Windows: Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables. Add or update the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the JDK installation directory, such as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_301. Then, update the PATH variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin.

  • Linux/macOS: Open a terminal and edit the .bash_profile or .bashrc file to add or update the JAVA_HOME variable. For example:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

5. Conclusion

In this article, we discussed the "java: error: invalid source release" error that occurs when the version of Java you are using is incompatible with the source code you are trying to compile. We explored the common causes of this error and provided steps to resolve it, including checking the JDK version, updating the JDK, and configuring IDE or build tool settings. Additionally, we discussed setting the Java environment variables to ensure the correct JDK version is used. By following these steps, you should be able to overcome this error and successfully compile your Java code.


flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B{JDK version compatible with source code?}
    B -- Yes --> E[Check JDK version]
    B -- No --> C[Update JDK version]
    C --> D[Update IDE or build tool settings]
    D --> F[Set Java environment variables]
    F --> G[End]
    E --> G[End]

6. References

  • Oracle: [Java SE Development Kit](
  • IntelliJ IDEA: [Configuring JDK](
  • Eclipse: [Setting the JDK/JRE](