Axios withCredentials True: Understanding and Implementation

Axios is a popular JavaScript library used for making HTTP requests. It provides a simple and efficient way to interact with APIs and fetch data from servers. One of the features offered by Axios is the ability to specify if cross-origin requests should include credentials such as cookies. This can be achieved by setting the withCredentials property to true. In this article, we will explore what this means and how to implement it using Axios.

What are Cross-Origin Requests?

Cross-origin requests occur when a web application running in one domain requests resources from a different domain. For security reasons, browsers restrict such requests by default. However, there are cases where cross-origin requests are required, such as when accessing APIs hosted on different domains. To allow such requests, the server must include specific headers in the response, indicating that it is safe to share resources with other domains.

The withCredentials Property

The withCredentials property in Axios allows us to specify whether or not the cross-origin requests should include credentials. When set to true, Axios includes cookies, HTTP authentication, and client-side SSL certificates in the request. This is useful when the server expects authentication information to be sent with the request.

By default, withCredentials is set to false. This means that Axios will not include any credentials in cross-origin requests. However, if our server requires authentication, we need to set withCredentials to true.

Implementing withCredentials in Axios

To enable withCredentials in Axios, we need to set it in the configuration object when making a request. Here is an example:

axios.get(' {
  withCredentials: true
  .then(response => {
  .catch(error => {

In the above code, we are making a GET request to withwithCredentialsset totrue`. This ensures that any necessary credentials are included in the request.

Practical Example: Fetching Data with Credentials

Let's consider a scenario where our web application needs to fetch user-specific data from an API. To achieve this, we need to authenticate the user and include the authentication credentials in the request.

Suppose we have a login function that sends a POST request to the server with the user's credentials. Once the user is authenticated, we can make subsequent requests with credentials included. Here is an example implementation:

// Login function
const login = (username, password) => {' {
  }, {
    withCredentials: true
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {

// Fetch user data function
const fetchData = () => {
  axios.get(' {
    withCredentials: true
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {

In the above code, the login function sends a POST request to the login endpoint with the user's credentials. Once the user is authenticated, the fetchData function is called, which makes a GET request to fetch user-specific data. Both requests include credentials by setting withCredentials to true.


In this article, we have explored the withCredentials property in Axios and how it enables cross-origin requests to include credentials. We have seen how to implement it in our code using the Axios library. By understanding and correctly implementing this feature, we can ensure that our web applications work seamlessly with APIs that require authentication.