Spring Boot 3 Factories: A Comprehensive Guide

Spring Boot 3 introduces a new feature called factories, which allow developers to create instances of classes without directly using the new keyword. This provides a more flexible and extendable way to instantiate objects in Spring Boot applications. In this article, we will explore how factories work in Spring Boot 3 and provide code examples to illustrate their usage.

What are Spring Boot 3 Factories?

Factories in Spring Boot 3 are classes that provide a way to create instances of other classes. They encapsulate the logic for creating objects and can be used to instantiate objects in a more flexible and modular way. By using factories, developers can decouple the creation of objects from the rest of the application, making it easier to manage dependencies and extend functionality.

How to Create a Factory in Spring Boot 3

To create a factory in Spring Boot 3, you can define a class that implements the Factory interface. This interface includes a method for creating instances of a specific class. Here is an example of a simple factory class that creates instances of a User class:

public class UserFactory implements Factory<User> {
    public User create() {
        return new User();

In this example, the UserFactory class implements the Factory interface and provides an implementation for the create method, which returns a new instance of the User class.

Using Factories in Spring Boot 3

Once you have created a factory class, you can use it to create instances of objects in your Spring Boot application. Here is an example of how to use the UserFactory class to create a new User object:

Factory<User> userFactory = new UserFactory();
User user = userFactory.create();

In this code snippet, we create an instance of the UserFactory class and use it to create a new User object. This demonstrates how factories can be used to instantiate objects in a flexible and modular way.


In conclusion, Spring Boot 3 factories provide a convenient way to create instances of classes in Spring Boot applications. By using factories, developers can decouple the creation of objects from the rest of the application, making it easier to manage dependencies and extend functionality. We have shown how to create a factory class and use it to instantiate objects in a Spring Boot application. Try using factories in your next project to take advantage of this powerful feature in Spring Boot 3.

    title Spring Boot 3 Factories
    section Create Factory
    Define Factory Class: done, 2022-12-01, 1d
    Implement create Method: done, 2022-12-02, 1d
    section Use Factory
    Create User Instance: done, 2022-12-03, 1d

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can leverage the power of factories in Spring Boot 3 to improve the design and flexibility of your applications. Experiment with different factory implementations and see how they can simplify your code and make it more maintainable. Happy coding with Spring Boot 3 factories!