Docker Working Directory Copy


Docker is a popular tool for packaging, distributing, and running applications in containers. One common task when working with Docker is copying files into a container's working directory. In this article, we will explore how to use the COPY instruction in a Dockerfile to copy files into a container's working directory.

Docker COPY Instruction

The COPY instruction in a Dockerfile is used to copy files or directories from the host machine into the container. The basic syntax of the COPY instruction is as follows:

COPY <src> <dest>

Where <src> is the path to the file or directory on the host machine, and <dest> is the path to the destination directory in the container.

Working Directory in Docker

The working directory in a Docker container is the default directory where commands are executed. By default, the working directory is set to / in a Docker container. You can use the WORKDIR instruction in a Dockerfile to change the working directory to a different path.


In this example, we set the working directory to /app. Any subsequent COPY or RUN instructions will be executed relative to this working directory.


Let's say we have a simple Node.js application that consists of an index.js file and a package.json file. We want to copy these files into a Docker container and set the working directory to /app.

Here is a sample Dockerfile that achieves this:

FROM node:14


COPY package.json .
COPY index.js .

RUN npm install

CMD ["node", "index.js"]

In this Dockerfile:

  • We set the base image to node:14.
  • We set the working directory to /app.
  • We copy package.json and index.js into the container's working directory.
  • We run npm install to install the dependencies defined in package.json.
  • Finally, we specify the command to run the application using CMD.


In this article, we have learned how to use the COPY instruction in a Dockerfile to copy files into a container's working directory. By setting the working directory using the WORKDIR instruction, we can easily manage files and execute commands in the desired directory. This is a fundamental concept when working with Docker containers and can help streamline the deployment process of applications.

By following the example provided in this article, you can start incorporating the COPY instruction in your Dockerfiles to efficiently copy files into containers. This practice will help you create portable and reproducible Docker images for your applications.

作者 时间
小明 2022年10月