MySQL Lock Wait Timeout

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that provides high-performance and scalability for various applications. It allows multiple clients to access the database concurrently, which can sometimes lead to conflicts when multiple clients try to access or modify the same data simultaneously. To handle such conflicts, MySQL provides a mechanism called "locking". In this article, we will discuss the concept of lock wait timeout in MySQL and how it can be configured.

What is Lock Wait Timeout?

Lock wait timeout is a configuration parameter in MySQL that defines the maximum amount of time a transaction can wait for a lock to be released. When a transaction attempts to acquire a lock on a resource that is already locked by another transaction, it enters a "wait" state. The lock wait timeout specifies the duration for which the transaction will wait for the lock to be released before returning an error.

How to Configure Lock Wait Timeout?

The lock wait timeout value can be set at both the session level and the global level in MySQL.

Session-level Configuration

To set the lock wait timeout value for a specific session, you can execute the following SQL statement:

SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout = <timeout_value>;

Replace <timeout_value> with the desired timeout value in seconds. For example, to set the lock wait timeout to 10 seconds for the current session:

SET SESSION innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 10;

Global-level Configuration

To set the lock wait timeout value globally for all sessions, you can modify the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini). Open the file in a text editor and add or modify the following line:

innodb_lock_wait_timeout = <timeout_value>

Save the file and restart the MySQL server for the changes to take effect.

How Does Lock Wait Timeout Work?

When a transaction attempts to acquire a lock on a resource, it checks if the resource is already locked by another transaction. If the resource is locked, the transaction enters a wait state and periodically checks if the lock has been released or the lock wait timeout has been reached.

If the lock wait timeout is reached before the lock is released, the waiting transaction is rolled back and an error is returned. This ensures that transactions do not wait indefinitely for a lock to be released, preventing potential deadlocks and improving system performance.

Example Scenario

Let's consider a scenario where two transactions are trying to update the same row in a table simultaneously. Transaction A acquires a write lock on the row and starts updating it. Meanwhile, Transaction B also tries to acquire a lock on the same row but is forced to wait due to the lock held by Transaction A.

If the lock wait timeout is set to 5 seconds, Transaction B will wait for a maximum of 5 seconds for the lock to be released by Transaction A. If Transaction A completes its update within 5 seconds, Transaction B will then acquire the lock and proceed with its update. However, if Transaction A takes longer than 5 seconds, Transaction B will be rolled back with an error.


Lock wait timeout is an essential configuration parameter in MySQL that helps manage conflicts and prevent transactions from waiting indefinitely for locks. By setting an appropriate timeout value, you can ensure that transactions are not held up for too long, avoiding potential deadlocks and improving system performance.