Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin

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The Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin is a powerful tool that helps optimize and obfuscate your Spring Boot applications. ProGuard is a widely used Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator. It can detect and remove unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes, thereby reducing the size of your application's JAR file. Additionally, ProGuard can also obfuscate the remaining code to make it harder for reverse-engineering.

This article will guide you through the process of using the Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin in your project. We will cover the installation, configuration, and usage of the plugin, as well as provide code examples to illustrate its functionality.


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need the following:

  • Basic knowledge of Spring Boot
  • Maven installed on your machine
  • A Spring Boot project to work with


To use the Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin in your project, you need to add it as a dependency in your project's pom.xml file.

          <!-- Plugin Configuration Goes Here -->


The Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin provides several configuration options to customize its behavior. Let's explore some of them:

  • inputDirectory: Specifies the directory containing the JAR file to be processed. By default, it is set to ${project.build.directory}.

  • outputDirectory: Specifies the directory where the processed JAR file should be saved. By default, it is set to ${project.build.directory}.

  • options: Allows you to specify additional ProGuard options. This is a multiline configuration element where each line represents a separate option. For example:

      -keep public class com.example.MyClass { *; }
      -dontwarn com.example.**.MyClass
  • skip: Allows you to skip the execution of the plugin. By default, it is set to false.

  • attach: Determines whether the processed JAR file should be attached as an artifact. By default, it is set to true.

  • bootLoaderClasses: Specifies the classes that should be treated as boot loader classes. These classes will not be obfuscated. For example:



Once you have configured the plugin, you can run it by executing the following Maven command:

mvn proguard:proguard

The plugin will process your Spring Boot application's JAR file and generate an optimized and obfuscated JAR file in the specified output directory.


Let's see some code examples to better understand how the Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin works.

Example 1: Obfuscating the Entire Application

To obfuscate the entire Spring Boot application, you can use the following configuration:

    -keep public class com.example.MyApplication { *; }

This configuration will obfuscate all classes except for the com.example.MyApplication class.

Example 2: Excluding Specific Packages

Sometimes, you may want to exclude certain packages from obfuscation. You can achieve this by using the -keep option. For example:

    -keep class com.example.config.** { *; }
    -keep class com.example.service.** { *; }
    -keep class com.example.controller.** { *; }

This configuration will obfuscate all classes except for the ones in the com.example.config, com.example.service, and com.example.controller packages.


The Spring Boot Proguard Maven Plugin is a valuable tool for optimizing and obfuscating your Spring Boot applications. It helps reduce the size of your JAR files and makes it harder for malicious users to reverse-engineer your code. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate the plugin into your Spring Boot projects and benefit from its capabilities.

Remember to experiment with different configurations to find the