
MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems (RDBMS) worldwide. It provides a robust and scalable solution for storing and managing data. In this article, we will explore how to use MySQL with Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) for data replication and synchronization.

What is Oracle GoldenGate (OGG)?

Oracle GoldenGate is a comprehensive software solution for real-time data integration and replication in heterogeneous IT environments. It enables the capture, routing, transformation, and delivery of transactional data across diverse systems in real-time.

OGG supports various databases, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, and MySQL. It provides a flexible and modular architecture that allows for high-performance data replication and synchronization.

Setting up MySQL for OGG

To use MySQL with OGG, we need to perform the following steps:

  1. Install MySQL: Download and install the MySQL server on your system. You can find the installation instructions for your specific operating system on the official MySQL website.

  2. Create a MySQL database: Once MySQL is installed, open the MySQL command line interface and create a new database. To create a database named "mydb," use the following command:

  1. Create a MySQL user: After creating the database, create a user with the necessary privileges to access and modify the data. To create a user named "myuser" with password "mypassword," use the following command:
CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'myuser'@'localhost';
  1. Install Oracle GoldenGate: Download and install Oracle GoldenGate on your system. Follow the installation instructions provided by Oracle to complete the installation process.

  2. Configure OGG for MySQL: Once Oracle GoldenGate is installed, we need to configure it to work with MySQL. This involves creating a new OGG data source, defining the source and target tables, and specifying the replication rules. Detailed instructions for configuring OGG for MySQL can be found in the Oracle GoldenGate documentation.

Replicating Data with MySQL and OGG

Once the setup is complete, we can start replicating data between MySQL databases using Oracle GoldenGate. Let's consider an example where we have two MySQL databases: the source database (source_db) and the target database (target_db).

Step 1: Enable Binary Logging

To enable data replication, we need to enable binary logging in the source MySQL database. Binary logging records all changes made to the database, including inserts, updates, and deletions.

Open the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini) and add the following line under the [mysqld] section:


Save the configuration file and restart the MySQL server for the changes to take effect.

Step 2: Configure OGG Extract and Replicat Processes

In the OGG configuration file, we need to define the extract and replicat processes. The extract process captures changes from the source MySQL database, while the replicat process applies the changes to the target MySQL database.

Here is an example of the extract process configuration:

EXTTRAIL /path/to/extract/dirdat/ext
TRANLOGOPTIONS ALTLOGDEST /path/to/extract/dirdat
TABLE mydb.*;

And here is an example of the replicat process configuration:

DISCARDFILE /path/to/replicat/dirrpt/rep.dsc, PURGE
MAP mydb.*, TARGET mydb.*;

Step 3: Start the OGG Processes

Start the OGG extract and replicat processes using the following commands:


Step 4: Monitor the Replication Status

You can monitor the replication status using the Oracle GoldenGate command line interface or the Oracle GoldenGate Manager. This allows you to track the progress of data replication, identify any errors or issues, and troubleshoot them accordingly.


In this article, we explored how to use MySQL with Oracle GoldenGate for data replication and synchronization. We discussed the steps involved in setting up MySQL for OGG and demonstrated an example of replicating data between two MySQL databases.

MySQL and OGG provide a powerful combination for real-time data integration and replication. By leveraging the capabilities of both systems, organizations can ensure data consistency across multiple databases and improve overall data management efficiency.

Remember to refer to the official documentation and resources for detailed instructions and best practices when working with MySQL and OGG. Happy replication!

Class Diagram

    MySQL "1" -- "*" OGG : Uses
    MySQL : +createDatabase()
    MySQL : +createUser()
    OGG : +configureOGG()
    OGG : +startProcesses()
    OGG : +monitorStatus()