MySQL Materialized View

Materialized view is a database object that contains the result of a query. It is similar to a regular view, but the result set is stored physically on disk rather than being computed on-the-fly. This can greatly improve the performance of queries that frequently access the same data.

In MySQL, materialized views are not supported natively. However, we can simulate materialized views using a combination of triggers and tables. In this article, we will explore how to create and use materialized views in MySQL with code examples.

Creating a Materialized View

To create a materialized view, we will use a trigger that fires on the modification of the underlying tables. The trigger will update the materialized view table with the latest results of the query. Let's start by creating two tables: orders and customers.

  customer_id INT,
  amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

CREATE TABLE customers (
  name VARCHAR(100)

Next, we will create a materialized view table named total_amounts that calculates the total amount of orders for each customer.

CREATE TABLE total_amounts (
  customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  total_amount DECIMAL(10, 2)

Now, we can define a trigger that updates the total_amounts table whenever there is a modification in the orders table.

CREATE TRIGGER orders_trigger AFTER INSERT ON orders
  IF NEW.customer_id IS NOT NULL THEN
    UPDATE total_amounts
    SET total_amount = (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM orders WHERE customer_id = NEW.customer_id)
    WHERE customer_id = NEW.customer_id;
END //

The trigger will execute the UPDATE statement whenever a new row is inserted into the orders table. It calculates the total amount of orders for the specific customer and updates the corresponding row in the total_amounts table.

Using the Materialized View

Now that we have created the materialized view, we can use it to query the total amounts of orders for each customer.

SELECT, t.total_amount
FROM customers c
INNER JOIN total_amounts t ON = t.customer_id;

This query joins the customers table with the total_amounts table to retrieve the customer name and the total amount of orders. By using the materialized view, we avoid the need to perform complex aggregations on the orders table every time we want to retrieve this information.

Benefits and Limitations of Materialized Views

Materialized views provide several benefits, including:

  1. Improved query performance: The pre-computed results stored in materialized views eliminate the need for expensive aggregations or joins on large tables.

  2. Reduced database load: By storing the results, materialized views reduce the workload on the database server, especially for frequently executed queries.

  3. Simplified application logic: Materialized views can simplify the application code by providing pre-calculated results, making the code more readable and maintainable.

However, materialized views also have some limitations:

  1. Increased storage requirements: Since materialized views store the query results physically, they require additional storage space compared to regular views.

  2. Data staleness: Materialized views are not automatically updated when the underlying data changes. We need to update them manually using triggers or other mechanisms.

  3. Increased complexity: Materialized views require additional effort to set up and maintain, especially when there are frequent modifications to the underlying data.


Although MySQL does not provide native support for materialized views, we can still achieve similar functionality using triggers and tables. By creating materialized views, we can improve query performance and reduce database load in scenarios where we frequently access the same data.

However, it is important to consider the limitations and trade-offs when using materialized views. Careful consideration should be given to storage requirements, data staleness, and the complexity of maintaining materialized views.

Materialized views are a powerful tool in the database developer's toolbox, providing a way to optimize queries and improve overall application performance.


Table: orders
id (INT, primary key)
customer_id (INT)
amount (DECIMAL)
Table: customers
id (INT, primary key)
name (VARCHAR)
Table: total_amounts
customer_id (INT, primary key)
total_amount (DECIMAL)

Pie Chart

  "Customer A" : 300
  "Customer B" : 500
  "Customer C" : 200

In the pie chart above, we have the total amounts of orders for three different customers: Customer A, Customer B, and Customer C. Customer B has the highest total amount with 500, followed by Customer A with 300, and Customer C with 200.

The pie chart visualizes the data in a graphical format, making it easier to understand the distribution of the total amounts among the customers.