MySQL Hash Cracker


MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems used by developers and system administrators worldwide. It is known for its performance, scalability, and ease of use. One important aspect of MySQL security is the way it stores user passwords. Instead of storing plain text passwords, MySQL uses a hash function to generate a hash value of the password. This hash value is then stored in the database. When a user tries to log in, their password is hashed and compared to the stored hash value.

While this provides an additional layer of security, it also presents a challenge for system administrators who need to recover a password in case a user forgets it. In such cases, a password cracker tool can be used to attempt to reverse engineer the hash value and recover the original password. In this article, we will explore the concept of password cracking in MySQL and delve into the technical details behind it.

The Hashing Process

Before we dive into the details of password cracking, let's first understand how the hashing process works in MySQL. When a user creates an account or changes their password, MySQL uses a hashing algorithm to generate a hash value of the password. The hashing algorithm used by default is called SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit).

The following code snippet demonstrates the process of hashing a password using the SHA-256 algorithm in MySQL:

SET @password = 'MySecretPassword';
SET @hash = SHA2(@password, 256);

In this example, we set the value of the @password variable to the desired password and then use the SHA2 function to generate the hash value. The second argument to the SHA2 function specifies the desired bit length of the hash value, in this case, 256 bits.

Password Cracking Techniques

Brute Force Attack

The most straightforward technique to crack a password hash is a brute force attack. In this method, the cracker systematically tries every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. For example, if the password contains only lowercase letters and numbers, there are a total of 36 possible characters. If the password length is 8 characters, there are a total of 36^8 (approximately 2.8 trillion) possible combinations to try.

To demonstrate a brute force attack in Python, we can use the following code snippet:

import itertools

characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
password_hash = 'a5e3b7c8f43d1c2d3e4f5g6h7i8j9k0l1m2n3o4p5q6r7s8t9'

for length in range(1, 9):
    for guess in itertools.product(characters, repeat=length):
        password = ''.join(guess)
        if hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() == password_hash:
            print(f"Password found: {password}")

In this example, we define the set of characters to try (characters) and the target password hash (password_hash). We then use the itertools.product function to generate all possible combinations of characters for each password length from 1 to 8. We calculate the hash of each password guess using the hashlib.sha256 function and compare it to the target hash. If a match is found, we print the password and break out of the loop.

Dictionary Attack

Another common technique used to crack password hashes is a dictionary attack. In this method, the cracker uses a pre-generated list of known passwords, called a dictionary, to compare against the hash value. The dictionary can contain common passwords, leaked passwords from previous breaches, or even words from various languages.

To perform a dictionary attack, we can modify the previous Python code as follows:

import hashlib

password_hash = 'a5e3b7c8f43d1c2d3e4f5g6h7i8j9k0l1m2n3o4p5q6r7s8t9'

with open('dictionary.txt', 'r') as file:
    for password in file:
        password = password.strip()
        if hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() == password_hash:
            print(f"Password found: {password}")

In this example, we assume that the dictionary is stored in a file named dictionary.txt, with one password per line. We open the file in read mode and iterate over each line, stripping any leading or trailing whitespace characters. We then calculate the hash of each password using the hashlib.sha256 function and compare it to the target hash. If a match is found, we print the password and break out of the loop.


In this article, we explored the concept of password cracking in MySQL and discussed two common techniques: brute force attacks and dictionary attacks. We learned how MySQL stores password hashes using the SHA-256 algorithm and saw code examples in both SQL and Python. It's important to note that password cracking is an unethical practice unless you have explicit permission from the owner of the password or system. Understanding the techniques used by attackers can help system administrators better secure their systems and protect user data.

Remember, always use strong, unique passwords and consider implementing additional