Title: Understanding and Resolving "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" Error


In this article, we will explore the common issue of encountering "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error, which occurs when the MySQL server reaches its maximum limit for open file descriptors. We will discuss the possible causes of this error, its impact on the MySQL server, and provide practical solutions to resolve it. Additionally, we will provide code examples to demonstrate the solutions.

Understanding the Error

When the MySQL server exceeds the maximum limit for open file descriptors, it is unable to open any more files, resulting in the "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error. A file descriptor is a unique identifier that represents an open file in the operating system.

Causes of the Error

Several factors can contribute to the "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error. Some of the common causes include:

  1. Insufficient Operating System Limit: The operating system may have a low limit for the maximum number of file descriptors per process, which can be inadequate for the MySQL server's requirements.
  2. Ineffective MySQL Configuration: The MySQL server's configuration may not be optimized to handle a large number of open file descriptors efficiently.
  3. Unclosed or Leaked Connections: If connections to the MySQL server are not properly closed, it can lead to a buildup of open file descriptors over time.

Impact on MySQL Server

When the "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error occurs, the MySQL server may become unresponsive or exhibit slow performance. It can result in failed connections, denied access, or even system crashes. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue promptly to ensure uninterrupted operations.


Let's explore some practical solutions to resolve the "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error:

1. Increasing Operating System Limits

One way to address this issue is by increasing the maximum limit of open file descriptors in the operating system. This can be achieved by modifying system-wide or user-specific limits.

To check the current limit on Linux systems, run the following command:

ulimit -n

To increase the limit temporarily, use the command:

ulimit -n <new_limit>

To increase the limit permanently, edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file and add the following lines:

<user> soft nofile <new_limit>
<user> hard nofile <new_limit>

Replace <user> with the appropriate username and <new_limit> with the desired new limit.

2. Optimizing MySQL Configuration

MySQL provides several configuration options to optimize the handling of file descriptors. Edit the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) and add or modify the following settings:

open_files_limit = <new_limit>

Replace <new_limit> with the desired new limit for open file descriptors.

3. Closing Unused Connections

Ensure that all connections to the MySQL server are properly closed after use. Leaked or unclosed connections can lead to a gradual accumulation of open file descriptors.

In your application code, always close the database connections using appropriate commands or libraries. For example, in Java, make sure to call the close() method on the Connection object.

try {
  Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
  // Perform database operations
} catch (SQLException e) {
  // Handle exceptions
} finally {
  if (connection != null) {

Resolution Flowchart

Below is a flowchart representation of the steps involved in resolving the "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error:

flowchart TD
  A[Start] --> B[Identify Error]
  B --> C[Increase Operating System Limits]
  C --> D[Optimize MySQL Configuration]
  D --> E[Close Unused Connections]
  E --> F[Verify Changes]
  F --> G[Error Resolved]
  G --> H[End]


The "MySQL Too Many Open Files in System" error can significantly impact the performance and availability of the MySQL server. By following the solutions mentioned in this article, such as increasing operating system limits, optimizing MySQL configuration, and closing unused connections, you can effectively resolve this issue. It is essential to monitor the system regularly and ensure that the server's file descriptor usage remains within a reasonable range to prevent future occurrences of this error.

Remember, proactive measures such as regularly closing connections and optimizing configurations can help maintain a healthy and efficient MySQL server.


  • [MySQL Documentation](
  • [Linux ulimit Command](