OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that allows users to manage and control a large pool of compute, storage, and networking resources. One of the essential components of OpenStack is the network module, which enables users to create and manage virtual networks for their cloud-based applications. However, some users may find that the OpenStack dashboard does not provide a "create network" button, making it difficult for them to create and configure networks. In this article, we will explore alternative methods to create networks in OpenStack and provide code examples to illustrate the process.

When it comes to creating networks in OpenStack, there are several options available. One common method is to use the command-line interface (CLI) tool called neutron. Neutron is the networking service of OpenStack, and it provides a set of commands that can be used to manage networks, subnets, routers, and other networking resources. To create a network using neutron, you can use the following command:

$ openstack network create <network_name>

Here, <network_name> is the desired name for the network. The command will create a new network with the specified name and return the details of the created network, including its ID, name, status, and other attributes.

Alternatively, you can also create networks programmatically using the OpenStack SDK. The OpenStack SDK is a set of libraries and tools that enable developers to interact with OpenStack services programmatically. To create a network using the OpenStack SDK, you can use the following Python code:

import openstack

# Create a connection to the OpenStack cloud
conn = openstack.connect(cloud='openstack')

# Create a network
network ='<network_name>')

# Print the details of the created network

In this code snippet, we first import the openstack library and then create a connection to the OpenStack cloud using the openstack.connect function. We then use the create_network method of the object to create a network with the specified name. Finally, we print the details of the created network.

It is worth noting that the above code examples assume that you have the necessary credentials and permissions to interact with the OpenStack networking service. If you encounter any authentication or authorization errors, you may need to check your OpenStack configuration and ensure that your credentials are correctly set up.

To summarize the process of creating a network in OpenStack, we can use the following flowchart:

flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B(Create network using CLI)
    A --> C(Create network programmatically)
    B --> D(End)
    C --> D

In conclusion, although OpenStack's dashboard may not provide a "create network" button, there are alternative methods available to create and manage networks in OpenStack. By using the neutron CLI tool or the OpenStack SDK, users can easily create networks to support their cloud-based applications. The CLI command and the Python code examples provided in this article should serve as a starting point for users who need to create networks in OpenStack.