

YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint is a class used in Apache Flink to start a Flink cluster on a YARN cluster. YARN stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator and is a resource management and job scheduling technology in Hadoop. Flink is an open-source stream processing framework that can run on various cluster environments including YARN.

In a YARN cluster, the YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint is responsible for launching a Flink session cluster, which is a long-running Flink cluster that can execute multiple jobs. This session cluster is managed by YARN and allows users to submit and monitor Flink jobs without the need to start a new Flink cluster for each job.

Code Example

Here is an example of how to use YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint to start a Flink session cluster on a YARN cluster:

public class YarnSessionClusterExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint entrypoint = new YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint(conf);

In this code snippet, we first create a new Configuration object and then pass it to the YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint constructor. We then call the start() method to start the Flink session cluster on the YARN cluster.


flowchart TD
    Start --> CreateConfiguration
    CreateConfiguration --> StartFlinkSessionCluster
    StartFlinkSessionCluster --> Finish

The flowchart above illustrates the process of starting a Flink session cluster using YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint.

Pie Chart

    title Distribution of Resources
    "CPU" : 40
    "Memory" : 60

The pie chart above represents the distribution of resources in a YARN cluster for running a Flink session cluster. 40% of the resources are allocated to CPU and 60% to memory.


In conclusion, YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint is a class used in Apache Flink to start a Flink session cluster on a YARN cluster. It simplifies the process of managing long-running Flink clusters on YARN and allows users to submit and monitor Flink jobs easily. By following the code example and flowchart provided in this article, you can start using YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint in your Flink applications. Remember to allocate the right amount of resources as shown in the pie chart to ensure efficient execution of your Flink jobs on the YARN cluster.