PyTorch Loss: Explained with Code Examples


Loss functions play a crucial role in training machine learning models. They measure how well the model is performing by comparing the predicted output with the ground truth. In PyTorch, there are various loss functions available for different tasks such as classification, regression, and semantic segmentation. However, sometimes you may encounter an issue where the loss becomes NaN (Not a Number) during training. This article will explain why this happens and how to address it with code examples.

Understanding NaN Loss

When training a model, the loss is computed based on the predicted output and the ground truth. The loss value is then used to update the model's parameters through backpropagation. However, in some cases, the loss can become NaN. This typically occurs due to numerical instability, which can arise from various reasons such as inappropriate hyperparameters, data preprocessing issues, or incorrect model architecture.

Common Causes of NaN Loss

  1. Unstable Learning Rate: Setting a learning rate too high can lead to overshooting the optimal solution, causing the loss to explode and become NaN. It is crucial to choose an appropriate learning rate for stable training.

  2. Vanishing/Exploding Gradients: If the gradients propagated through the network are too small or too large, it can result in numerical instability. This can occur when using activation functions such as sigmoid or tanh, which saturate for large input values. Using techniques like weight initialization, gradient clipping, or using activation functions like ReLU can mitigate this issue.

  3. Incorrect Loss Function: Choosing an inappropriate loss function for the task at hand can also cause the loss to become NaN. For example, using a regression loss function for a classification task can lead to numerical instability.

  4. Preprocessing Issues: Incorrect data preprocessing can lead to NaN loss. For example, dividing the input data by zero or applying incorrect normalization can result in numerical instability.

Dealing with NaN Loss

Now that we understand the potential causes of NaN loss, let's explore some approaches to address this issue:

1. Normalize Input Data

One common cause of NaN loss is improper data preprocessing. It is essential to ensure that the input data is correctly normalized to avoid numerical instability. For example, if the input data has a wide range of values, applying standardization (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation) can help stabilize the training process.

mean = torch.mean(input_data)
std = torch.std(input_data)
normalized_data = (input_data - mean) / std

2. Check Learning Rate

As mentioned earlier, an unstable learning rate can lead to NaN loss. It is crucial to choose an appropriate learning rate based on the problem at hand. You can try reducing the learning rate or using learning rate schedules that gradually decrease the learning rate over time.

3. Gradient Clipping

Gradient clipping is a technique used to prevent the gradients from becoming too large during training. It sets a maximum threshold for the gradient values, limiting their magnitude. This can help prevent numerical instability due to exploding gradients.

torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_norm)

4. Weight Initialization

Proper weight initialization can help stabilize the training process and prevent NaN loss. Initializing the weights following specific guidelines can ensure that the gradients neither explode nor vanish during training. For example, using the Kaiming initialization method for ReLU-based networks can help mitigate numerical instability.

def weights_init(m):
    if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear):

5. Monitor Loss Values

During training, keep an eye on the loss values. If you notice that the loss is becoming NaN, it can be an indication of a problem. You can try reducing the learning rate, adjusting the model architecture, or exploring other techniques to address the issue.

6. Debugging the Model

If none of the above approaches help, it is essential to debug the model architecture and code implementation. Check for any potential issues such as incorrect loss function usage, incorrect dimensions in the model, or any other code-related issues.


In this article, we explored the reasons why loss can become NaN during training in PyTorch. We discussed various causes such as unstable learning rates, vanishing/exploding gradients, incorrect loss functions, and data preprocessing issues. Additionally, we provided code examples demonstrating approaches to address this issue, including normalizing input data, checking learning rates, gradient clipping, weight initialization, and monitoring loss values. By following these techniques and debugging the model, you can overcome NaN loss and ensure stable and successful model training.

PyTorch Loss

Table: Possible Causes and Solutions for NaN Loss

Cause Solution
Unstable Learning Rate Choose an appropriate learning rate
Vanishing/Exploding Gradients Use weight initialization or gradient clipping techniques
Incorrect Loss Function Select an appropriate loss function for the task
Preprocessing Issues Ensure proper data preprocessing steps like normalization