Mysql Update Substr: Using Substrings in Update Statements

In MySQL, the SUBSTR function is used to extract a substring from a string. You can also use the SUBSTRING function, which is a synonym for SUBSTR. This function allows you to specify the starting position and length of the substring you want to extract.

When it comes to updating data in a MySQL database, you may find it necessary to update a part of a string rather than the entire string. This is where the SUBSTRING function comes in handy. In this article, we will explore how to use the SUBSTR function in update statements in MySQL.

Syntax of the SUBSTR Function

The syntax of the SUBSTR function in MySQL is:

SUBSTR(string, start, length)
  • string: The string from which the substring will be extracted.
  • start: The starting position from which the substring will begin. The index starts at 1.
  • length: The length of the substring to extract.

Example of Using SUBSTR in an Update Statement

Suppose we have a table called employees with a column phone_number containing phone numbers in the format 123-456-7890. We want to update the phone numbers by removing the hyphens and keeping only the digits.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this using the SUBSTR function in an update statement:

UPDATE employees
SET phone_number = CONCAT(SUBSTR(phone_number, 1, 3), SUBSTR(phone_number, 5, 3), SUBSTR(phone_number, 9, 4))

In this example, we are updating the phone_number column by concatenating three substrings extracted from the original phone_number value. The first substring extracts the area code, the second substring extracts the exchange code, and the third substring extracts the subscriber number.

State Diagram

    [*] --> Updating
    Updating --> [*]

The state diagram above illustrates the process of updating data using the SUBSTR function in a MySQL database. The initial state is [*], the process of updating data is represented by Updating, and the final state is [*].

Entity-Relationship Diagram

    employees {
        INT employee_id
        VARCHAR(50) phone_number

The entity-relationship diagram above represents the employees table, which contains an employee_id column and a phone_number column.


In conclusion, the SUBSTR function in MySQL allows you to extract substrings from strings, which can be useful when updating specific parts of a string in a database. By using the SUBSTR function in update statements, you can manipulate string data efficiently and accurately. Remember to always test your queries before running them on a production database to avoid unintended consequences.