Python serial readlines


Python serial readlines is a method that allows you to read data from a serial port in Python. It is commonly used in applications where data needs to be read from external devices, such as Arduino boards, GPS modules, or sensors. In this article, we will explore how to use the readlines method and discuss its various aspects.


Before we dive into the readlines method, it is important to have a basic understanding of serial communication and the Python serial module. If you are new to serial communication, I recommend reading up on it first.

To use the readlines method, you need to have the pyserial library installed in your Python environment. You can install it using the following command:

pip install pyserial

Using the readlines method

The readlines method is part of the Serial class in the serial module. It reads data from the serial port until a newline character (\n) is encountered. The method returns a list of strings, where each string is a line of data read from the serial port.

To use the readlines method, you first need to create an instance of the Serial class and open the serial port. Here's an example:

import serial

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)  # Replace with your serial port and baud rate

Once you have opened the serial port, you can call the readlines method to read data. Here's an example that reads data and prints it to the console:

data = ser.readlines()
for line in data:

Handling data received

When using the readlines method, it is important to handle the data received appropriately. Since the method returns a list of strings, you can iterate over the list and process each line individually.

For example, let's say you are receiving temperature readings from a sensor. Each line of data received may look like this: Temperature: 25.6°C. You can split the line at the colon (:) and extract the temperature value using the split method. Here's an example:

data = ser.readlines()
for line in data:
    line = line.decode().strip()  # Convert bytes to string and remove leading/trailing whitespace
    if line.startswith('Temperature'):
        _, temperature = line.split(':')
        temperature = float(temperature[:-2])  # Remove the '°C' suffix and convert to float
        print(f'Temperature: {temperature}°C')

In this example, we first decode the received bytes into a string using the decode method. Then, we strip any leading or trailing whitespace using the strip method. Next, we check if the line starts with the string 'Temperature'. If it does, we split the line at the colon and extract the temperature value. Finally, we convert the temperature value to a float and print it to the console.

State diagram

To better understand the flow of data when using the readlines method, let's visualize it using a state diagram. Here's a basic representation of the state diagram:

    [*] --> Read
    Read --> Process
    Process --> [*]

In the state diagram, the initial state is represented by [*]. From the initial state, we transition to the Read state, where we read data from the serial port using the readlines method. Once we have the data, we transition to the Process state, where we handle the received data. After processing the data, we transition back to the initial state.


In this article, we explored how to use the readlines method in Python to read data from a serial port. We discussed the prerequisites, demonstrated the usage of the method with code examples, and explained how to handle the received data. Additionally, we visualized the flow of data using a state diagram.

Remember, when working with serial communication, it is important to handle exceptions and errors appropriately, ensure proper synchronization between the sender and receiver, and consider any data format or encoding requirements.

I hope this article has given you a good understanding of the readlines method and how it can be used in your Python projects. Happy coding!