摘要:对于【网络工程师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2017年11月 网络工程师 上午题】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~

1、routing in circuit-switching networks has traditionally involved a static routing strategy with the use of ( 71) paths to respond to increased load . modern routing strategies provide more adaptive and flexible approaches . the routing function of a packet-switching network attempts to find the least-cost route through the network , with cost based on the number of expected delay , or other metrics in virtually all packet-switching networks , some sort f adaptive routing technique is used . adaptive routing algorithms typically rely on the ( 73 ) information about traffic conditions among nodes . in most cases , adaptive strategies depend n status information that is ( 74 ) at one place but used at another . there is a tradeoff here tween the quality of the information and the amount of ( 75) . the exchanged information itself a load on the constituent networks , causing a performance degradation
A、 exchange
B、 transportation
C、 reception
D、 transmissio


2、routing in circuit-switching networks has traditionally involved a static routing strategy with the use of ( 71) paths to respond to increased load . modern routing strategies provide more adaptive and flexible approaches . the routing function of a packet-switching network attempts to find the least-cost route through the network , with cost based on the number of expected delay , or other metrics in virtually all packet-switching networks , some sort f adaptive routing technique is used . adaptive routing algorithms typically rely on the ( 73 ) information about traffic conditions among nodes . in most cases , adaptive strategies depend n status information that is ( 74 ) at one place but used at another . there is a tradeoff here tween the quality of the information and the amount of ( 75) . the exchanged information itself a load on the constituent networks , causing a performance degradation
A、 rejected
B、 collected
C、 discarded
D、 transmitted


3、routing in circuit-switching networks has traditionally involved a static routing strategy with the use of ( 71) paths to respond to increased load . modern routing strategies provide more adaptive and flexible approaches . the routing function of a packet-switching network attempts to find the least-cost route through the network , with cost based on the number of expected delay , or other metrics in virtually all packet-switching networks , some sort f adaptive routing technique is used . adaptive routing algorithms typically rely on the ( 73 ) information about traffic conditions among nodes . in most cases , adaptive strategies depend n status information that is ( 74 ) at one place but used at another . there is a tradeoff here tween the quality of the information and the amount of ( 本题) . the exchanged information itself a load on the constituent networks , causing a performance degradation
A、 packets
B、 information
C、 data
D、 overhead


