30 Windows Commands you CAN’T live without_ci

CMD 2 copy

copy /b image.extension+folder.zip image.extension

I’ll take all my images and my journal and send them to a zip folder.

And then with the copy command I can hide the zip file inside a photo of a Kitten.

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It’s just a photo to you. It’s a safe with all your stuff , With this command , We can encrypt every file in that folder so that no one can even open it.

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CMD 3 cipher /E

In every file encrypted.

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CMD 4 attrib +h +s +r foldername

we can hide our folders from everyone like this folder here with all my secrets.

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CMD 5 netsh wlan show profile

This command will show you every WIFI network you’ve ever connected to.

netsh wlan show profile wifinetwork key=clear | findstr “Key Content”

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If you wanna see all WIFI passwords for everything you have stored this crazy command , this one-liner will send you all of them.

too long , look in the description

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too long , look in the description.

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CMD 7 create a batch file

create a batch file

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file save as all files and we’ll call it wifi dot bat.

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CMD 8 systeminfo


This is a quick way to find out all the info on your system.

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CMD 9 scp

scp file.txt root@serverip:~/file.txt

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CMD 10

type in ‘cmd’ in explorer

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CMD 11

reverse it

I can also do it in reverse where I’m at right now in the command prompt.

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CMD 12a

subst q: c:\filelocation

Did you know you can map any folder on your system as a mounted tribes?

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CMD 12b

subst /d q:

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CMD 13 color

color 07 {background:text}

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CMD 14a

prompt {text}$ G

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Now that’s how you have a prompt right there.

CMD 14b

reset by just typing in prompt

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CMD 15 title

title {stuff}

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CMD 16 curl

curl wttr.in/location

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CMD 17

curl – head – location “https://ntck.co/itprotv”

You can actually unor shorten links , see where it goes before you open it.

30 Windows Commands you CAN’T live without_.net_25

CMD 18

curl -IsL http://networkchuck.com | findstr ^Location

You can also check these status of a website to see if it’s up.

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CMD 19

curl checkip.amazonaws.com

What’s your public IP address ?

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CMD 20

curl qrenco.de/https://networkchuck.coffee

You can use curl from your command prompt to create a QR code type in curl.

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CMD 21a

YOUTUBE: curl -s https://decapi.me/youtube/latest_video?user=networkchuck

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CMD 21b

TWITTER:curl -s https://decapi.me/twitter/latest?name=networkchuck

30 Windows Commands you CAN’T live without_.net_30

CMD 22

curl dict.org/d:website

A few more you can define a word dictionary right in command.

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too long , check description.

Now did you know you can use that GPT from the command line?

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CMD 25

start networkchuck.com

You can open a website right from your terminal.

CMD 26a

del /q /f /s %temp%\*

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CMD 26b

del /s /q C:\Windows\temp\*

With these two commands , You can delete all the temporary files to save some space if you’re running.

CMD 27 telnet

telnet telehack.com

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Now pick your po , like maybe you wanna watch Star Wars and your terminal.

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CMD 28 F1 - F9

CMD 29 doskey

doskey /history

Now to get a proper list of all your commands printed out.

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CMD 30 windows terminal

Use windows terminal

CMD 31

drag and drop files to the terminal

For example , maybe you’re trying to use secure copy to copy a file ,

CMD 32

shift-right click on folder , select terminal

CMD 33


CMD 34

Use powershell to really be amazing.