Hypervisor BIOS: A Comprehensive Introduction


In the world of virtualization, the Hypervisor BIOS plays a crucial role in managing and controlling the hardware resources of a computer system. In this article, we will explore the concept of Hypervisor BIOS, its functionalities, and how it works under the hood. We will also provide code examples to illustrate some key aspects of Hypervisor BIOS.

What is a Hypervisor BIOS?

A Hypervisor BIOS, also known as Virtual Machine Monitor BIOS (VMM BIOS), is a software layer that resides between the hardware and the hypervisor. It provides low-level services to the hypervisor, managing various hardware resources, including CPU, memory, I/O devices, and interrupt handling.

The primary role of the Hypervisor BIOS is to abstract the underlying hardware and provide a consistent interface to the hypervisor. It acts as a mediator, allowing the hypervisor to interact with the hardware efficiently.

Functionality of Hypervisor BIOS

  1. Hardware Abstraction: The Hypervisor BIOS abstracts the hardware resources, providing a uniform interface to the hypervisor. It hides the underlying hardware complexities and allows the hypervisor to interact with the hardware using a standardized set of functions.

  2. Virtual CPU Management: The Hypervisor BIOS manages the allocation and scheduling of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) to guest virtual machines (VMs). It provides functions to create, start, pause, resume, and destroy vCPUs, ensuring efficient utilization of the underlying physical CPU resources.

  3. Memory Management: The Hypervisor BIOS handles memory allocation and management for the guest VMs. It provides functions to allocate and deallocate memory, as well as to map virtual addresses to physical addresses.

  4. I/O Device Virtualization: The Hypervisor BIOS facilitates the virtualization of I/O devices, allowing multiple VMs to share the same physical devices. It provides functions to create virtual device instances, handle device interrupts, and manage device resources.

  5. Interrupt Handling: The Hypervisor BIOS intercepts and handles hardware interrupts, routing them to the appropriate VMs. It ensures that each VM receives the interrupts intended for it and maintains proper interrupt isolation between VMs.

Hypervisor BIOS Code Example

To better understand the concept of Hypervisor BIOS, let's take a look at a code snippet that demonstrates the creation and management of vCPUs using the Hypervisor BIOS API.

#include <hyperv_bios.h>

// Function to create a vCPU
vcpu_t create_vcpu(vmid_t vmid) {
    vcpu_t vcpu = hyperv_bios_create_vcpu(vmid);
    if (vcpu != NULL) {
        // Initialization code for the vCPU
        // ...
    return vcpu;

// Function to start a vCPU
void start_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu) {

// Function to pause a vCPU
void pause_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu) {

// Function to resume a vCPU
void resume_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu) {

// Function to destroy a vCPU
void destroy_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu) {

int main() {
    // Create a vCPU for VM with ID 1
    vcpu_t vcpu = create_vcpu(1);

    // Start the vCPU

    // Pause the vCPU

    // Resume the vCPU

    // Destroy the vCPU

    return 0;

This code snippet demonstrates the basic operations involved in the management of vCPUs using the Hypervisor BIOS API. The create_vcpu() function creates a vCPU for a specific VM, and the start_vcpu(), pause_vcpu(), resume_vcpu(), and destroy_vcpu() functions perform the respective operations on the vCPU.


The Hypervisor BIOS plays a critical role in virtualization, providing low-level services to the hypervisor and managing hardware resources efficiently. It abstracts the hardware complexities, allowing the hypervisor to interact with the hardware using a standardized interface. In this article, we explored the functionalities of Hypervisor BIOS and provided a code example to illustrate its usage in managing vCPUs. Understanding the Hypervisor BIOS is essential for anyone working with virtualization technologies, as it forms the foundation for efficient utilization of hardware resources in virtualized environments.

    title Hypervisor BIOS Functionality
    "Hardware Abstraction" : 30
    "Virtual CPU Management" : 20
    "Memory Management" : 15
    "I/O Device Virtualization" : 25
    "Interrupt Handling" : 10
    participant Hypervisor BIOS
    participant Hypervisor
    participant Hardware

    Hypervisor->>Hypervisor BIOS: Create vCPU
    Hypervisor BIOS-->>Hardware: Allocate CPU resources
    Hypervisor BIOS->>Hypervisor: Return vCPU handle
