HBase Compact CDH

HBase Compact CDH is a feature that allows users to improve the performance and efficiency of their HBase clusters. In this article, we will discuss what HBase compact is, how it works, and provide some code examples to demonstrate its usage.

Introduction to HBase Compact

HBase is a distributed database built on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It is designed to handle large amounts of structured and semi-structured data. HBase stores data in tables, which are divided into regions and distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster.

Over time, HBase tables can become fragmented due to insertions, updates, and deletions. This fragmentation can lead to decreased query performance and increased storage requirements. HBase compact is a process that reorganizes and merges data within a region to reclaim storage space and improve query performance.

How HBase Compact Works

HBase Compact works by identifying regions that have reached a certain threshold of fragmentation and initiating a compaction process. During compaction, HBase merges smaller files within a region into larger files, eliminating empty space and reducing the number of files needed to access the data.

HBase Compact uses a combination of major compaction and minor compaction. Major compaction merges all files within a region into a single file, while minor compaction merges a subset of files based on certain criteria, such as file size or age.

HBase Compact is triggered automatically based on predefined policies or can be manually initiated by the user. It can be configured to run at specific intervals or during low usage periods to minimize the impact on cluster performance.

Using HBase Compact in CDH

CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop) is a popular distribution of Hadoop and related projects, including HBase. To enable HBase Compact in CDH, you need to configure the compaction policy and set the desired thresholds for major and minor compaction.

Here is an example of how to configure compaction policies in CDH using the HBase shell:

create 'my_table', 'cf1', 'cf2'
alter 'my_table', {NAME => 'cf1', VERSIONS => 1}, {NAME => 'cf2', VERSIONS => 1}, METHOD => 'table_att', MAJOR_COMPACTION => '5'
alter 'my_table', {NAME => 'cf1', VERSIONS => 1}, {NAME => 'cf2', VERSIONS => 1}, METHOD => 'table_att', MINOR_COMPACTION => '100'

In the above code example, we create a table called "my_table" with two column families, "cf1" and "cf2". We then set the major_compaction policy to run after 5 HBase Compact requests and the minor_compaction policy to run after 100 requests.

Once the compaction policies are configured, HBase Compact will automatically run when the defined thresholds are met.


HBase Compact CDH provides a powerful tool for managing and optimizing HBase tables. By reorganizing and merging data within regions, HBase Compact helps improve query performance and reduce storage requirements.

In this article, we discussed what HBase Compact is, how it works, and provided a code example to demonstrate its usage in CDH. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can effectively configure and utilize HBase Compact to enhance their HBase clusters.

    title HBase Compact CDH Journey
    section Introduction
        HBase Compact CDH provides performance and efficiency improvements to HBase clusters.
    section Understanding HBase Compact
        HBase Compact reorganizes and merges data within regions to reclaim storage space and improve query performance.
    section How HBase Compact Works
        HBase Compact uses major and minor compactions to merge files and reduce fragmentation.
    section Using HBase Compact in CDH
        Configure compaction policies in CDH using the HBase shell.
    section Conclusion
        HBase Compact CDH is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing HBase tables.

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