Spark SQL Principal


Spark SQL is a module in Apache Spark that provides a programming interface for working with structured and semi-structured data. It allows users to query data using SQL-like syntax and supports a wide range of data sources, including Hive, Avro, Parquet, ORC, JSON, and JDBC. In this article, we will explore the principal concepts of Spark SQL and provide code examples to illustrate its usage.

DataFrame and Dataset

The fundamental data structure in Spark SQL is the DataFrame. It represents a distributed collection of data organized into named columns, similar to a table in a relational database. DataFrames can be created from various data sources or by transforming existing DataFrames.

Creating a DataFrame

Let's start by creating a DataFrame from an existing RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset). RDD is another fundamental data structure in Spark that represents a distributed collection of elements.

import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

val spark = SparkSession.builder()
  .appName("Spark SQL Principal")
  .config("spark.master", "local")

val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
  Row(1, "John", 25),
  Row(2, "Jane", 30),
  Row(3, "Bob", 35)

val schema = StructType(Seq(
  StructField("id", IntegerType, nullable = false),
  StructField("name", StringType, nullable = false),
  StructField("age", IntegerType, nullable = false)

val df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)

The code above creates an RDD with rows representing a person's ID, name, and age. We define the schema for the DataFrame using StructType and StructField classes. Finally, we use the createDataFrame method to create the DataFrame from the RDD and schema.

Querying Data

Once we have a DataFrame, we can perform various operations on it, including filtering, grouping, aggregating, and joining.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

// Filter data
val filteredDF = df.filter(col("age") > 30)

// Group data
val groupedDF = df.groupBy("age").count()

// Aggregate data
val aggregatedDF = df.agg(avg("age"), max("age"))

// Join data
val otherDF = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
  (1, "Manager"),
  (2, "Engineer"),
  (3, "Designer")
)).toDF("id", "role")

val joinedDF = df.join(otherDF, Seq("id"))

The above code demonstrates some common operations on a DataFrame. We can filter the data using filter method and specify the condition using column expressions. Grouping and aggregating is done using groupBy and agg methods, respectively. Joining two DataFrames is accomplished by specifying the join column using Seq and the join method.


In addition to DataFrames, Spark SQL also provides a strongly-typed interface called Dataset. A Dataset is similar to a DataFrame but provides a type-safe, object-oriented programming interface.

case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)

val personDS =[Person]

val filteredDS = personDS.filter(_.age > 30)

val aggregatedDS = personDS.agg(avg(_.age), max(_.age))

In the code above, we define a case class Person that represents the schema of the DataFrame. We can then convert the DataFrame to a Dataset using the as method and specify the type as Person. The rest of the operations are similar to the DataFrame operations but with a more type-safe syntax.

SQL Queries

Spark SQL also provides the ability to run SQL queries directly on DataFrames and Datasets. The queries can be expressed in a SQL-like syntax or using the Spark SQL DSL (Domain-Specific Language).

Running SQL Queries

To run SQL queries, we need to register the DataFrame or Dataset as a temporary table or view.


val resultDF = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM people WHERE age > 30")

In the code above, we register the DataFrame as a temporary view named "people" using the createOrReplaceTempView method. We can then run SQL queries on the view using the spark.sql method.

Using Spark SQL DSL

Alternatively, we can use the Spark SQL DSL to express the queries programmatically.

import spark.implicits._

val resultDF =$"id", $"name").where($"age" > 30)

The above code demonstrates the usage of the Spark SQL DSL. We use $ to refer to columns in the DataFrame and chain the methods select and where to specify the desired columns and filtering conditions, respectively.


Spark SQL is a powerful module in Apache Spark that provides a high-level interface for working with structured and semi-structured data. In this article, we have explored the principal concepts