Spark on YARN with Keytab Authentication

Apache Spark is a popular open-source framework for distributed data processing and analytics. It can run on various cluster managers, including YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) which is the default cluster manager for Hadoop.

When running Spark on a YARN cluster, it is important to ensure the security of the cluster and the data it processes. One aspect of this is authentication, which verifies the identity of users and services trying to access the cluster.

In a secure Hadoop cluster, the Kerberos protocol is used for authentication. Kerberos provides a secure way to authenticate users and services by using tickets. A keytab file contains the encrypted keys needed for authentication without the need for user interaction.

To enable Kerberos authentication for Spark running on YARN, you need to configure the spark.yarn.keytab property. This property specifies the path to the keytab file for the Spark driver and executors.

Here is an example of how to configure and use the spark.yarn.keytab property:

  1. Create a keytab file for the Spark driver and executors. This can be done using the kadmin command-line tool provided by your Kerberos distribution. For example, to create a keytab file named spark.keytab for the principal sparkuser@EXAMPLE.COM, you can use the following command:
kadmin -kt /path/to/admin.keytab -p admin/admin@EXAMPLE.COM
addprinc -randkey sparkuser@EXAMPLE.COM
xst -k /path/to/spark.keytab sparkuser@EXAMPLE.COM
  1. Copy the keytab file to all nodes in the YARN cluster, including the machine where the Spark driver will be launched.

  2. Configure the spark.yarn.keytab property in your Spark application code. This can be done using the SparkConf object. For example:

from pyspark import SparkConf

conf = SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.yarn.keytab", "/path/to/spark.keytab")

# Continue configuring other Spark properties and create the SparkContext
  1. Launch the Spark application on the YARN cluster. The Spark driver will authenticate using the keytab file specified in the spark.yarn.keytab property.

By configuring the spark.yarn.keytab property, Spark will authenticate with the YARN cluster using the specified keytab file. This ensures that only authorized users and services can access the cluster.

In summary, the spark.yarn.keytab property is used to enable Kerberos authentication for Spark running on YARN. It specifies the path to the keytab file for the Spark driver and executors. By using a keytab file, Spark can securely authenticate with the YARN cluster and ensure the security of the cluster and the data it processes.

Note: It is important to properly secure the keytab file and restrict access to it, as it contains sensitive information required for authentication.


In this article, we have explored the spark.yarn.keytab property and its significance in enabling Kerberos authentication for Spark running on YARN. We have seen how to create a keytab file, configure the property in Spark application code, and launch the Spark application on a YARN cluster. By using the spark.yarn.keytab property, you can ensure the security of your Spark application and the data it processes in a secure Hadoop cluster.