MySQL Account is Locked


In MySQL, account locking is a security feature that helps to protect against unauthorized access to the database. When an account is locked, the user is not allowed to log in or perform any operations until the account is unlocked. This article will explain the reasons why a MySQL account may get locked, how to check the account status, and how to unlock the account using code examples.

Reasons for Account Locking

There are several reasons why a MySQL account may get locked:

  1. Too many failed login attempts: If an account exceeds the maximum number of failed login attempts, MySQL may automatically lock the account to prevent further unauthorized access.
  2. Password expiration: MySQL has a feature where passwords can be set to expire after a certain time. When a password expires, the account gets locked until a new password is set.
  3. Manual locking: An administrator can manually lock an account for security reasons.

Checking Account Status

To check if a MySQL account is locked, you can query the user table in the mysql database. The authentication_string column contains the account password, and the account_locked column indicates whether the account is locked or not.

SELECT user, host, account_locked FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'username';

If the account_locked column value is 'Y', it means the account is locked. Otherwise, if the value is 'N' or NULL, the account is not locked.

Unlocking the Account

To unlock a locked account, you can use the ALTER USER statement with the ACCOUNT UNLOCK clause.

ALTER USER 'username'@'hostname' ACCOUNT UNLOCK;

Replace 'username' with the actual username and 'hostname' with the appropriate hostname or IP address.

Example Scenario

Let's consider a scenario where an account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts. We want to check the account status and unlock it if necessary.

-- Check account status
SELECT user, host, account_locked FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'username';

-- Unlock the account if locked
ALTER USER 'username'@'hostname' ACCOUNT UNLOCK;

In the above example, we query the mysql.user table to check if the account is locked. If the account_locked column value is 'Y', we unlock the account using the ALTER USER statement.


Account locking is an essential security feature in MySQL that helps to protect against unauthorized access. This article explained the reasons for account locking, how to check the account status, and how to unlock a locked account using code examples. By understanding these concepts, you can effectively manage and secure your MySQL accounts.