MySQL InnoDB Index Stats

MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems. It provides various storage engines to handle different types of data and optimize performance. InnoDB is one such storage engine that offers robust transactional support and high scalability. In this article, we will explore the concept of InnoDB Index Stats in MySQL.

What are InnoDB Index Stats?

InnoDB Index Stats, also known as InnoDB Persistent Statistics, are a set of statistical data stored by the InnoDB storage engine to improve the accuracy of query optimization. These statistics include information about the distribution of data in indexed columns, which helps the optimizer in choosing the most efficient execution plan for queries.

How are InnoDB Index Stats Generated?

InnoDB Index Stats are automatically generated and updated by the storage engine. Whenever a significant number of changes occur in the indexed columns, InnoDB detects these changes and updates the statistics accordingly. The updates happen asynchronously in the background to minimize the impact on write performance.

Accessing InnoDB Index Stats

To access the InnoDB Index Stats, you can use the SHOW INDEX_STATISTICS statement or query the INNODB_INDEX_STATS table in the information_schema database.

Here is an example of how to retrieve the statistics using SQL:


Alternatively, you can query the INNODB_INDEX_STATS table directly:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.INNODB_INDEX_STATS WHERE table_name = 'your_table';

Analyzing InnoDB Index Stats

Analyzing InnoDB Index Stats allows you to gain insights into the distribution of data in indexed columns. You can use this information to identify potential performance bottlenecks and optimize your queries accordingly.

The statistics provided by InnoDB Index Stats include the number of unique values, the number of rows, the average number of records per unique value, and the histogram of the column values. These details help the query optimizer estimate the selectivity of different index values and choose the best execution plan.

Updating InnoDB Index Stats

InnoDB Index Stats are automatically updated by the storage engine. However, there might be cases when you want to manually update the statistics to ensure the optimizer has the most up-to-date information.

To update the statistics, you can use the ANALYZE TABLE statement:

ANALYZE TABLE your_table;

This statement triggers a recalculation of the statistics for the specified table, updating the InnoDB Index Stats.


InnoDB Index Stats play a vital role in optimizing query performance in MySQL. By providing accurate information about the distribution of data in indexed columns, these statistics help the query optimizer make informed decisions. Accessing and analyzing InnoDB Index Stats can assist in identifying performance bottlenecks and fine-tuning your queries for better efficiency.

Remember, InnoDB Index Stats are automatically generated and updated by the storage engine. However, if necessary, you can manually update the statistics using the ANALYZE TABLE statement.

By understanding and utilizing InnoDB Index Stats, you can optimize your MySQL database queries and achieve better overall performance.


  title InnoDB Index Stats Journey
  section Generating Stats
    Generate -> Update: Automatic update
  section Accessing Stats
    Update -> Access: SHOW INDEX_STATISTICS
    Update -> Access: INNODB_INDEX_STATS table
  section Analyzing Stats
    Access --> Analyze: Gain insights
  section Updating Stats
    Analyze --> Update: Manually update


flowchart TD
  A[Generating Stats] --> B[Automatic update]
  B --> C[Accessing Stats]
  E --> F[Analyzing Stats]
  F --> G[Gain insights]
  G --> H[Updating Stats]
  H --> I[Manually update]

In this article, we explored the concept of InnoDB Index Stats in MySQL. We learned that InnoDB Index Stats are statistical data generated by the InnoDB storage engine to improve query optimization. We discussed how to access and analyze these statistics, as well as how to update them if necessary.

By utilizing InnoDB Index Stats, you can optimize your queries and achieve better performance in your MySQL database. Remember to regularly analyze and update the statistics to ensure the query optimizer has the most accurate information.

Understanding and leveraging InnoDB Index Stats is a valuable skill for any MySQL developer or administrator.