Android Folder Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

Android applications are built upon a folder structure that defines how different parts of the app are organized. Understanding the folder structure is essential for any Android developer as it helps in managing and maintaining the codebase effectively. In this article, we will explore the Android folder structure and its significance. We will also provide code examples to illustrate the concepts discussed.

Understanding the Android Folder Structure

The Android folder structure consists of several directories and files, each serving a specific purpose. Let's dive into the different directories and their significance in an Android project.

1. app

The app directory is the heart of an Android project. It contains all the source code, resources, and configuration files specific to the application module.

Inside the app directory, we have the following important subdirectories:

  • src: This directory contains the Java or Kotlin source code files organized in different packages.
  • res: This directory contains all the non-code resources such as layouts, strings, colors, and images.
  • manifests: This directory contains the AndroidManifest.xml file, which describes essential information about the application, such as its package name, permissions, activities, and services.

2. Gradle Files

Android projects use Gradle as the build system. The Gradle files define the dependencies, build settings, and other configuration options for the project. The important Gradle files are:

  • build.gradle (Project Level): This file defines the project-wide configurations, including the build tools version and repositories.
// build.gradle (Project Level)
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    repositories {
  • build.gradle (App Level): This file defines the app-specific configurations, such as the minimum SDK version, dependencies, and signing configurations.
// build.gradle (App Level)
android {
    compileSdkVersion 30
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.myapp"
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 30
        // ...
    // ...

3. Libraries and Modules

In complex Android projects, it is common to organize the codebase into multiple modules or libraries for better modularity and reusability. Each module or library has its own folder structure, similar to the app module.

An example folder structure for an Android project with multiple modules may look like this:

- myapp
  - app
    - src
    - res
    - manifests
  - library1
    - src
    - res
  - library2
    - src
    - res

4. Other Common Directories

Apart from the above-mentioned directories, there are a few more directories that can be found in an Android project:

  • assets: This directory contains raw asset files that can be accessed using the AssetManager class.
  • jni: This directory is used to store native code files for apps that use the Java Native Interface (JNI).
  • test: This directory contains the unit tests for the project.
  • build: This directory is automatically generated by the build system and contains intermediate and final build artifacts.


In this article, we explored the Android folder structure and its significance in an Android project. We learned about the app directory, Gradle files, libraries and modules, and other common directories. Understanding the folder structure is crucial for proper organization and maintenance of an Android project.

For more in-depth information, refer to the official Android documentation. Happy coding!


  • [Android Official Documentation](


Here is a table summarizing the important directories in an Android project:

Directory Description
app Contains the application-specific code and resources.
src Contains the Java or Kotlin source code files.
res Contains non-code resources such as layouts, strings, and images.
manifests Contains the AndroidManifest.xml file.
Gradle Files Configure the build settings and dependencies using Gradle.
libraries Optional directories for organizing code into separate modules.
assets Contains raw asset files.
jni Stores native code files for apps using JNI.
test Contains unit tests for the project.
build Automatically generated directory for build artifacts.