OpenStack Liberty: An Introduction

OpenStack Liberty is the 12th release of the OpenStack project, which is an open-source cloud computing platform. It was officially released on October 15, 2015, and introduced many new features and improvements to the platform. In this article, we will explore some of the key features of OpenStack Liberty and provide code examples to help you get started with using it.

Overview of OpenStack Liberty

OpenStack is a cloud computing platform that allows you to create and manage virtual machines, storage, and networking resources in a data center. It is designed to be scalable, flexible, and customizable, making it ideal for building private, public, and hybrid cloud environments.

The Liberty release of OpenStack introduced several new features and enhancements, including:

  • Improved performance and scalability
  • Enhanced security features
  • Integration with container technologies such as Docker
  • Support for software-defined networking (SDN)
  • Upgrades to existing services like Nova (compute), Neutron (networking), and Cinder (block storage)

With these new features, OpenStack Liberty provides a robust and reliable platform for building cloud infrastructure.

Getting Started with OpenStack Liberty

To get started with OpenStack Liberty, you will need to install the OpenStack services on your servers. Here is a basic guide to setting up an OpenStack environment using DevStack, which is a tool for quickly deploying OpenStack for development and testing purposes.

Installing DevStack

git clone 
cd devstack

Configuring OpenStack Services

Once DevStack is installed, you can configure the OpenStack services by editing the local.conf file in the devstack directory. Here is an example configuration for setting up the Nova compute service:




Creating and Managing Instances

Once the OpenStack services are up and running, you can create and manage instances (virtual machines) using the OpenStack dashboard (Horizon) or the command-line interface (CLI). Here is an example CLI command to create a new instance:

openstack server create --flavor m1.small --image cirros --nic net-id=public network --security-group default my-instance

Journey through OpenStack Liberty

    title Journey through OpenStack Liberty

    section Installing OpenStack
        A[Install DevStack]
        B[Configure Services]
        C[Create Instances]

    section Managing Resources
        D[Monitor Performance]
        E[Scale Infrastructure]
        F[Integrate with Containers]

Sequence Diagram for Creating an Instance

    participant User
    participant Horizon
    participant Nova
    participant Glance
    participant Neutron

    User->>Horizon: Login
    User->>Horizon: Create Instance
    Horizon->>Nova: Request Instance
    Nova->>Glance: Retrieve Image
    Glance->>Nova: Image
    Nova->>Neutron: Create Network
    Neutron->>Nova: Network
    Nova->>Nova: Launch Instance
    Nova->>Horizon: Instance Created


OpenStack Liberty is a powerful and flexible cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of features for building and managing cloud infrastructure. With its improved performance, security, and integration with container technologies, OpenStack Liberty is a great choice for organizations looking to deploy scalable and reliable cloud environments.

By following the steps outlined in this article and using the provided code examples, you can quickly get started with OpenStack Liberty and start building your own cloud infrastructure. Happy cloud computing!