Maven3 Interceptor Commons


Maven is a popular build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. It helps manage project dependencies, build and test projects, and generate reports. Maven uses a plugin-based architecture, where plugins are responsible for different tasks in the build process. One such plugin is the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin, which provides common utilities for intercepting Maven3 build events.

In this article, we will explore the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin, understand its purpose, and see how it can be used in a Maven project. We will also discuss a common exception that can occur when using this plugin and how to resolve it.

Understanding Maven3 Interceptor Commons

The Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin provides a set of common utilities for intercepting Maven3 build events. It allows developers to define custom logic that can be executed before or after specific build phases, goals, or even individual Mojo executions. This plugin is particularly useful for developers who want to perform additional actions during the build process or integrate with external systems.

To use the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin, you need to add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml file:


Once the dependency is added, you can start using the interceptor utilities provided by the plugin.

Using Maven3 Interceptor Commons

To demonstrate the usage of the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin, let's consider a scenario where we want to log a message before and after the execution of a specific Maven goal.

First, we need to create a class that implements the ExecutionListener interface provided by the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin. This interface defines methods that will be called before and after the execution of each Mojo in the build process.

import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionEvent;
import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionListener;

public class MyExecutionListener implements ExecutionListener {

    public void projectDiscoveryStarted(ExecutionEvent event) {
        // Called before discovering projects in the build
        System.out.println("Project discovery started");

    public void projectSkipped(ExecutionEvent event) {
        // Called when a project is skipped in the build
        System.out.println("Project skipped");

    // Other methods of the ExecutionListener interface
    // ...


Next, we need to register our execution listener with Maven by adding the following configuration in the pom.xml file:


In the above configuration, we have added our MyExecutionListener class as an execution listener for the Maven Compiler Plugin. This means that our listener will be invoked before and after the execution of each Mojo of the Maven Compiler Plugin.

Exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

While using the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin, you may encounter an exception like "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException". This exception occurs when Maven is unable to find the class specified as an execution listener.

To resolve this issue, ensure that the fully qualified class name of the execution listener is correctly specified in the pom.xml file. Double-check the package name, class name, and any additional configuration required for the execution listener.


The Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin provides a convenient way to intercept and execute custom logic during the Maven build process. By implementing the ExecutionListener interface and registering it with plugins, developers can perform additional actions before or after specific build phases or goals.

In this article, we explored the usage of the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin by creating a custom execution listener that logs messages before and after the execution of a Maven goal. We also discussed a common exception that can occur when using this plugin and provided steps to resolve it.

Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin enhances the flexibility and extensibility of Maven projects, allowing developers to integrate custom logic seamlessly into the build process.

Dependency Table

Here's a table summarizing the Maven dependency required for the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin:

Group ID Artifact ID Version
org.apache.maven.shared maven-interceptor-commons 1.14

Dependency Graph

Here's a visual representation of the dependency graph for the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin:

    style default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    entity "Maven3 Interceptor Commons\n(org.apache.maven.shared:maven-interceptor-commons:1.14)" as maven

The above diagram depicts the Maven3 Interceptor Commons plugin as a standalone entity with no further dependencies.


  • [Apache Maven Official Website](https://