Python Command Errored Out with Exit Status 1


In the world of programming, errors are a common occurrence. When working with Python, you may come across an error message that says "Python command errored out with exit status 1". This error message can be confusing, especially for beginners. In this article, we will explore what this error message means, why it occurs, and how to troubleshoot and fix it.

Understanding the Error Message

When you encounter the error message "Python command errored out with exit status 1", it means that a command or process executed by Python has failed to complete successfully. The exit status is a numeric value returned by a program when it finishes executing, indicating whether it was successful or not. In this case, an exit status of 1 indicates that an error occurred during the execution of the command.

Possible Causes of the Error

The "Python command errored out with exit status 1" error message can have various causes. Let's explore some common scenarios:

  1. Compilation Errors: This error can occur when you are trying to install a Python package that requires compiling C or C++ code. If the compilation fails, you may see this error message.

  2. Missing Dependencies: Sometimes, a Python package may have dependencies on other libraries or modules. If these dependencies are missing or not installed properly, the installation process can fail with an exit status of 1.

  3. Incompatible Versions: Python packages often have specific version requirements. If you are trying to install a package that is not compatible with your Python version or other installed packages, it can result in an error with an exit status of 1.

Troubleshooting and Fixing the Error

Now that we understand the possible causes of the error, let's discuss how to troubleshoot and fix it.

1. Compilation Errors

If the error is related to compilation, there are several steps you can take:

  • Check Compiler Compatibility: Ensure that your system has a compatible compiler installed. For example, if you are using Windows, make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools installed.

  • Check Package Documentation: Read the documentation of the package you are trying to install. It may provide specific instructions or requirements for successful compilation.

  • Check Environment Variables: Some packages require specific environment variables to be set. Make sure you have set them correctly before attempting the installation.

2. Missing Dependencies

To resolve missing dependencies, follow these steps:

  • Check Package Requirements: Review the documentation or README file of the package. It should list the dependencies required for proper installation. Make sure you have these dependencies installed.

  • Use a Package Manager: Consider using a package manager like pip or conda to install packages and their dependencies. Package managers handle dependency resolution automatically, reducing the chances of encountering this error.

  • Upgrade Python: If you are using an older version of Python, consider upgrading to the latest stable release. Newer versions often come with improved dependency management.

3. Incompatible Versions

Dealing with incompatible versions can be challenging, but here are some steps to help resolve the issue:

  • Check Package Compatibility: Verify that the package you are trying to install is compatible with your Python version. Packages often list the supported Python versions in their documentation or on their website.

  • Check Installed Packages: Investigate whether any installed packages have conflicting versions. Incompatible versions of packages can lead to installation failures. Use the pip freeze command to view all installed packages and their versions.

  • Create a Virtual Environment: Consider creating a virtual environment using tools like venv or conda. A virtual environment allows you to isolate your Python project and its dependencies, reducing conflicts between different packages.


The error message "Python command errored out with exit status 1" can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can overcome it. Remember to carefully read the error message, identify the possible causes, and follow the appropriate steps to fix the issue. By understanding and resolving this error, you will become a more confident Python programmer.

    [*] --> Python_Command_Error
    Python_Command_Error --> Compilation_Errors
    Python_Command_Error --> Missing_Dependencies
    Python_Command_Error --> Incompatible_Versions
    Compilation_Errors --> Fix_Compilation_Errors
    Missing_Dependencies --> Fix_Missing_Dependencies
    Incompatible_Versions --> Fix_Incompatible_Versions
    Fix_Compilation_Errors --> [*]
    Fix_Missing_Dependencies --> [*]
    Fix_Incompatible_Versions --> [*]

[Python Command Errored Out with Exit Status 1]( - Read more about this error message and how to troubleshoot and fix it.