Ubuntu MySQL Monitor

MySQL is a popular open-source database management system used by many websites and applications to store and retrieve data. Monitoring the performance of the MySQL server is crucial for identifying and resolving potential issues that may impact the overall performance and availability of the system. In this article, we will explore how to monitor MySQL on Ubuntu using various tools and techniques.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An Ubuntu machine with MySQL server installed.
  • Basic knowledge of the Linux command line.
  • Familiarity with MySQL queries and operations.

Monitoring MySQL using the command line

The command line provides a simple yet powerful way to monitor MySQL. Here are some useful commands you can use:

1. Checking MySQL service status

You can check the status of the MySQL service using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status mysql

This command will display the current status of the MySQL service, whether it is running or not.

2. Monitoring MySQL process

To monitor the MySQL process, you can use the top command, which provides real-time information about system processes. To filter only MySQL processes, you can use the following command:

$ top -c -p $(pgrep mysql | tr '\n' ',')

This command will display the CPU and memory usage of all MySQL processes.

3. Monitoring MySQL connections

To monitor the number of MySQL connections, you can use the following command:

$ mysql -u username -p -e "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'"

Replace username with your MySQL username. After entering the password, this command will display the current number of connections to the MySQL server.

4. Monitoring MySQL queries

To monitor the running queries on the MySQL server, you can use the following command:

$ mysql -u username -p -e "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST"

This command will display detailed information about all currently running queries, including the query, user, time, and state.

Monitoring MySQL using third-party tools

While the command line provides basic monitoring capabilities, there are several third-party tools available that offer more advanced features. Here are some popular tools:

1. MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a powerful graphical tool that allows you to monitor and manage MySQL databases. It provides real-time monitoring of various performance metrics, such as CPU and memory usage, query execution time, and server connections. To install MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu, use the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench

Once installed, you can launch MySQL Workbench and connect to your MySQL server to start monitoring.

2. PMM (Percona Monitoring and Management)

PMM is an open-source platform developed by Percona that provides comprehensive monitoring and management for MySQL and other database systems. PMM offers a wide range of features, including real-time monitoring, query analytics, and advanced alerting. To install PMM on Ubuntu, follow the official documentation.


Monitoring MySQL is essential for ensuring the optimal performance and availability of your database system. In this article, we explored various methods to monitor MySQL on Ubuntu, including using the command line and third-party tools like MySQL Workbench and PMM. By regularly monitoring MySQL, you can proactively identify and resolve any potential issues, improving the overall performance and stability of your system.

Remember, monitoring is an ongoing process, and it's important to establish a monitoring routine to ensure the continuous health of your MySQL server.