No HBase Master Found


HBase is a distributed, scalable, and column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop. It provides real-time read/write access to large datasets. However, sometimes you may encounter an issue where the "" script fails with the error message "No HBase Master Found." In this article, we will explore the potential causes of this error and how to resolve it.

Possible Causes

There are several reasons why you might encounter the "No HBase Master Found" error. Let's go through some of the common causes:

  1. HBase Master not running: The stop script tries to communicate with the HBase Master to gracefully shut it down. If the Master is not running or not reachable, the script will fail with the mentioned error.

  2. Incorrect configuration: Incorrect configuration settings in the HBase configuration files can lead to communication issues between the stop script and the HBase Master.

Now, let's move on to resolving this issue.

Resolving the Issue

To resolve the "No HBase Master Found" error, follow the steps below:

1. Check HBase Master Status

First, check if the HBase Master is running. You can do this by using the following command:

$ jps

This command lists the Java processes running on your machine. Look for the process named "HMaster" in the output. If you don't see it, start the HBase Master using the following command:


2. Verify HBase Configuration

Next, verify the HBase configuration settings. Ensure that the following properties are correctly set in the hbase-site.xml file:


Ensure that the hbase.master.hostname matches the actual hostname or IP address of the machine running the HBase Master. The hbase.master.port should match the port on which the HBase Master is listening.

3. Restart HBase

After verifying the configuration, restart HBase to apply the changes:


4. Verify the Fix

Run the script again and check if the "No HBase Master Found" error is resolved:


If the script executes successfully without any errors, the issue has been resolved.


The "No HBase Master Found" error occurs when the script fails to find the running HBase Master process. This can happen due to the HBase Master not running or incorrect configuration settings. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve this issue and gracefully stop the HBase Master process.

Remember to always verify the HBase configuration and ensure that the HBase Master is running before executing the script.