Java Document

1. Introduction

Java Document, also known as Javadoc, is a tool used for generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code. It provides a standard way of documenting Java classes, methods, and fields using comments and special tags. This documentation serves as a reference for developers to understand the purpose, usage, and behavior of the code.

In this article, we will explore how to use Java Document to generate documentation for Java code. We will cover the syntax of Javadoc comments, the usage of various Javadoc tags, and demonstrate how to generate documentation using the javadoc command.

2. Javadoc Syntax

To create Javadoc comments, we use the /** ... */ syntax. These comments can be placed above a class, method, or field declaration to provide a description and additional information about it. Let's consider the following example:

 * This is a sample class to demonstrate Javadoc comments.
public class MyClass {

     * This is a sample method to demonstrate Javadoc comments.
     * @param param1 The first parameter.
     * @param param2 The second parameter.
     * @return The sum of the two parameters.
    public int add(int param1, int param2) {
        return param1 + param2;

In the above code snippet, we have a class MyClass with a method add(). The Javadoc comments provide a description for the class and the method. The @param tag is used to describe the parameters of the method, and the @return tag is used to describe the return value.

3. Javadoc Tags

Javadoc tags are used to provide additional information about the code being documented. These tags start with the @ symbol, followed by the tag name and its corresponding value. Let's explore some commonly used Javadoc tags:

  • @param: Used to describe the parameters of a method.
  • @return: Used to describe the return value of a method.
  • @throws: Used to describe the exceptions thrown by a method.
  • @see: Used to create links to related classes or methods.
  • @deprecated: Used to mark a class, method, or field as deprecated.
  • @author: Used to specify the author of the code.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of some of these tags:

 * This class provides utility methods for mathematical operations.
 * @deprecated This class is deprecated. Use {@link MathUtils} instead.
 * @see MathUtils#add(int, int)
public class MathHelper {

     * Adds two numbers.
     * @param a The first number.
     * @param b The second number.
     * @return The sum of the two numbers.
     * @throws ArithmeticException If the sum exceeds the maximum value of an integer.
    public static int add(int a, int b) throws ArithmeticException {
        if (a > Integer.MAX_VALUE - b) {
            throw new ArithmeticException("Sum exceeds the maximum value of an integer.");
        return a + b;

In this example, the MathHelper class is marked as deprecated using the @deprecated tag. The @see tag is used to create a link to the add() method of the MathUtils class. The @throws tag is used to describe the exception thrown by the add() method.

4. Generating Documentation

To generate documentation using Java Document, we use the javadoc command. This command takes the source files as input and generates the documentation in HTML format. Let's consider the following command:

javadoc -d docs -sourcepath src com.example.MyClass

In the above command, the -d option specifies the output directory for the generated documentation. The -sourcepath option specifies the source files directory, and com.example.MyClass is the fully qualified name of the class for which we want to generate documentation.

After executing the above command, the generated documentation will be available in the specified output directory (docs in this case). The documentation will consist of HTML files that can be viewed using a web browser.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we have explored the basics of Java Document and how to use it to generate API documentation for Java code. We have covered the syntax of Javadoc comments, the usage of various Javadoc tags, and demonstrated how to generate documentation using the javadoc command.

Java Document is a powerful tool that helps developers understand and use Java code effectively. By documenting our code properly, we can improve its maintainability and enhance collaboration among team members.

Remember to always document your code using meaningful and descriptive comments. Happy documenting!

State Diagram

    [*] --> State1
    State1 --> State2 : Event1
    State1 --> State3 : Event2
    State2 --> [*]
    State3 --> [*]

Gantt Chart

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title My Gantt Chart

    section Task