Python SIP Proxy: An Introduction

In the world of Voice over IP (VoIP) communication, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a popular protocol used to establish and manage communication sessions. A SIP proxy server acts as an intermediary between SIP clients to facilitate communication. In this article, we will explore how to create a simple SIP proxy server using Python.

What is a SIP Proxy?

A SIP proxy server is an application that functions as a middleman between SIP clients, such as softphones, IP phones, or SIP-enabled devices, to route SIP messages and establish communication sessions. It can handle tasks like authentication, authorization, routing, and call routing.

Creating a Simple SIP Proxy Server in Python

To create a simple SIP proxy server in Python, we can utilize the SIPp library, which provides functionalities to work with SIP packets. Here is a basic example of a Python script that acts as a SIP proxy server:

from sipp import SipProxy

def handle_request(request):
    # Implement custom logic to handle SIP requests

def handle_response(response):
    # Implement custom logic to handle SIP responses

# Create an instance of the SIP proxy
sip_proxy = SipProxy()

# Set up request and response handlers

# Start the SIP proxy server

In the above code snippet, we import the SipProxy class from the sipp library and define custom request and response handlers. These handlers will contain the logic to process incoming SIP requests and responses. Finally, we start the SIP proxy server using the run() method.

Visualizing SIP Traffic with a Pie Chart

To visualize the SIP traffic flowing through our proxy server, we can use a pie chart to display the distribution of SIP message types. Let's create a sample pie chart using the Mermaid syntax:

    title SIP Traffic Distribution
    "INVITE" : 40
    "BYE" : 30
    "REGISTER" : 20
    "CANCEL" : 10

In the pie chart above, we can see the distribution of SIP message types like INVITE, BYE, REGISTER, and CANCEL. This visualization can help us understand the traffic patterns and optimize our SIP proxy server accordingly.


In this article, we have explored how to create a simple SIP proxy server using Python. By leveraging the SIPp library, we can build custom SIP proxy servers to handle VoIP communication effectively. Additionally, visualizing SIP traffic with pie charts can provide insights into traffic patterns and optimize server performance. With the increasing popularity of VoIP communication, understanding SIP protocols and proxy servers is essential for building robust and scalable communication solutions.