jQuery Mobile Dialog

jQuery Mobile Dialog is a powerful feature that allows developers to create and customize dialogs in their web applications. Dialogs are modal windows that overlay a portion of the current page, providing a focused view on a specific task or piece of content. In this article, we will explore the various features and options available with jQuery Mobile Dialog.

Getting Started

To use jQuery Mobile Dialog, you need to include the jQuery library and the jQuery Mobile library in your HTML file. You can either download these libraries and host them locally or include them from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) for faster loading.

<script src="
<script src="

Once you have included the necessary libraries, you can start using the dialog feature in your web application.

Creating a Basic Dialog

To create a basic dialog, you can use the data-role="dialog" attribute on the container element. Inside the dialog container, you can add any content you want, such as text, images, forms, or even other widgets.

<div data-role="dialog">
  <h2>Welcome to the Dialog!</h2>
  <p>This is a basic dialog created with jQuery Mobile.</p>
  <button data-role="button" data-rel="back">Close</button>

In the above example, we have created a simple dialog with a heading, a paragraph, and a close button. The data-rel="back" attribute on the close button is used to close the dialog when clicked.

Opening a Dialog

To open a dialog, you can use the data-rel="dialog" attribute on an anchor or button element. When the element is clicked, the dialog associated with it will be displayed.

<a href="#dialog1" data-rel="dialog">Open Dialog</a>

In the above example, clicking on the "Open Dialog" link will display the dialog with the id="dialog1".

Dialog Options

jQuery Mobile Dialog provides various options to customize the appearance and behavior of dialogs. Some of the common options include:

  • Theme: You can specify a theme for the dialog using the data-theme attribute. For example, data-theme="b" will apply the "b" theme to the dialog.
  • Position: You can control the position of the dialog using the data-position-to attribute. For example, data-position-to="window" will position the dialog relative to the window.
  • Transition: You can specify a transition effect for the dialog using the data-transition attribute. For example, data-transition="pop" will apply a pop-up transition effect to the dialog.
<a href="#dialog2" data-rel="dialog" data-theme="b" data-position-to="window" data-transition="pop">Custom Dialog</a>

In the above example, clicking on the "Custom Dialog" link will open a dialog with the specified theme, position, and transition.

Handling Dialog Events

jQuery Mobile Dialog provides several events that you can utilize to enhance the functionality of your dialogs. Some of the common events include:

  • beforecreate: This event is triggered before the dialog is created. You can use it to perform any initialization tasks.
  • create: This event is triggered after the dialog is created. You can use it to add additional functionality or make any modifications to the dialog.
  • beforeclose: This event is triggered before the dialog is closed. You can use it to perform any cleanup tasks.
  • close: This event is triggered after the dialog is closed. You can use it to trigger additional actions or update the UI.
$(document).on("pagecreate", function() {
  $("#dialog3").on("beforeclose", function() {
    console.log("Dialog is about to close.");

In the above example, we are attaching a beforeclose event handler to the dialog with the id="dialog3". When the dialog is about to close, the specified function will be executed, and the message "Dialog is about to close." will be logged to the console.


jQuery Mobile Dialog is a powerful feature that allows developers to create and customize dialogs in their web applications. With its easy-to-use syntax and extensive options, developers can quickly add dialogs to their projects and enhance the user experience. The ability to handle events and customize themes and transitions further enhances the flexibility and functionality of dialogs. So, start using jQuery Mobile Dialog in your web applications and make your dialogs more interactive and engaging.