Java MongoDB BasicDBObject


MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in the form of JSON-like documents. In order to interact with MongoDB databases using Java, we can make use of the MongoDB Java Driver. One of the important classes in the MongoDB Java Driver is BasicDBObject.

The BasicDBObject class is used to represent a document in MongoDB. It provides methods to add, retrieve, and manipulate key-value pairs within the document. This article will discuss the usage of BasicDBObject with code examples.

Getting Started

Before we start using BasicDBObject, we need to include the MongoDB Java Driver in our Java project. You can download the driver from the official MongoDB website or include it as a Maven dependency in your project.


Once the MongoDB Java Driver is included, we can start using BasicDBObject to interact with MongoDB.

Creating a Document

To create a new document using BasicDBObject, we can simply instantiate the class and add key-value pairs to it. Each key-value pair represents a field in the document.

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;

BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
document.put("name", "John Doe");
document.put("age", 30);

In the above code, we create a new BasicDBObject called "document" and add two fields, "name" and "age", with their respective values.

Retrieving Field Values

We can retrieve the values of fields in a BasicDBObject using the get() method. The method takes the field name as an argument and returns the corresponding value.

String name = document.getString("name");
int age = document.getInt("age");

In the above code, we retrieve the values of the "name" and "age" fields from the document.

Updating a Document

To update a field value in a BasicDBObject, we can use the put() method again. If the field already exists, the method updates its value. If the field does not exist, the method creates a new field.

document.put("age", 31);
document.put("address", "123 Main Street");

In the above code, we update the value of the "age" field to 31 and add a new field called "address" with the value "123 Main Street".

Removing a Field

To remove a field from a BasicDBObject, we can use the remove() method. The method takes the field name as an argument and removes the corresponding key-value pair from the document.


In the above code, we remove the "age" field from the document.

Querying with BasicDBObject

BasicDBObject can also be used to query MongoDB collections. We can create a BasicDBObject with the desired query criteria and pass it to the find() method of the MongoCollection class.

import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;
import org.bson.Document;

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put("age", new BasicDBObject("$gt", 25));

FindIterable<Document> result = collection.find(query);

In the above code, we create a BasicDBObject with the query criteria that selects documents with an age greater than 25. We then pass this query object to the find() method of a MongoCollection object, which returns a FindIterable<Document> containing the matching documents.


In this article, we have explored the usage of BasicDBObject in Java for interacting with MongoDB. We have seen how to create a document, retrieve field values, update fields, remove fields, and perform queries using BasicDBObject. Remember to include the MongoDB Java Driver in your project before using BasicDBObject. With BasicDBObject, you can easily work with MongoDB documents in your Java applications.


  • [MongoDB Java Driver Documentation](
  • [MongoDB Official Website](

Gantt Chart

    title Java MongoDB BasicDBObject Usage

    section Creating and Updating
    Creating a Document       :done, 2022-05-01, 1d
    Retrieving Field Values   :done, 2022-05-02, 1d
    Updating a Document       :done, 2022-05-03, 1d
    Removing a Field          :done, 2022-05-04, 1d

    section Querying
    Querying with BasicDBObject :done, 2022-05-05, 1d

    section Conclusion
    Conclusion                :done, 2022-05-06, 1d


MongoDB Java Driver Dependency


MongoDB Java Driver Documentation
