Index Signatures for method typescript


In TypeScript, index signatures allow you to define dynamic properties on an object. It is especially useful when you want to work with objects that have dynamic keys or when you want to enforce a certain structure for the keys and values. In this article, we will discuss the steps to implement index signatures in TypeScript and provide code examples for each step.


flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B(Define Interface or Type)
    B --> C(Create object with index signature)
    C --> D(Access properties dynamically)
    D --> E[End]

Step 1: Define Interface or Type

The first step is to define an interface or type that will represent the structure of the object with index signatures. This is done using the interface or type keyword in TypeScript. Below is an example of defining an interface with an index signature:

interface MyObject {
  [key: string]: any;

In the above code, MyObject is the name of the interface, and [key: string]: any is the index signature. The index signature allows any string key to be used and the value can be of any type.

Step 2: Create object with index signature

Once we have defined the interface or type, we can create an object that conforms to that structure. We can then assign values to the dynamic properties using the index signature. Here is an example:

const myObject: MyObject = {
  name: "John",
  age: 25,
  [dynamicProperty]: dynamicValue,

In the above code, myObject is an object of type MyObject that has a predefined key-value pair (name: "John" and age: 25) and a dynamic key-value pair using the index signature ([dynamicProperty]: dynamicValue).

Step 3: Access properties dynamically

Once we have created the object with index signatures, we can access the properties dynamically using the dot notation or bracket notation. Here is an example:

console.log(;  // Output: "John"
console.log(myObject["age"]);  // Output: 25
console.log(myObject[dynamicProperty]);  // Output: dynamicValue

In the above code, we are accessing the properties name, age, and the dynamic property dynamicProperty of the myObject object.


In this article, we have discussed the steps to implement index signatures in TypeScript. We started by defining an interface or type with an index signature, then creating an object that conforms to that structure, and finally accessing the properties dynamically. Index signatures can be a powerful tool in TypeScript to work with objects that have dynamic keys. By defining the structure and using the index signature, you can enforce a certain pattern for the keys and values in your objects.

Pie Chart

    "Define Interface or Type" : 40
    "Create object with index signature" : 30
    "Access properties dynamically" : 30