Android Convert


Android Convert is a utility class provided by Android framework that allows conversion between different data types, such as String to int, float to double, and many more. This class provides various methods to convert data from one type to another, making it easier for developers to handle different types of data in their Android applications.

In this article, we will explore some commonly used conversion methods provided by the Android Convert class and how they can be implemented in Android applications.

Conversion Methods

String to int

One of the most common conversions is from a String to an int. The toInt(String) method in the Android Convert class can be used for this purpose. Here's an example of how to convert a String to an int:

String numberString = "123";
int number = Integer.parseInt(numberString);

In the above code, we use the parseInt() method of the Integer class to convert the String "123" to an int value.

int to String

Conversely, we can also convert an int value to a String using the toString(int) method. Here's an example:

int number = 123;
String numberString = Integer.toString(number);

In the code above, we use the toString() method of the Integer class to convert the int value 123 to a String.

String to float

To convert a String to a float value, we can use the parseFloat(String) method. Here's an example:

String floatString = "3.14";
float number = Float.parseFloat(floatString);

In the above code, we use the parseFloat() method of the Float class to convert the String "3.14" to a float value.

float to String

Similarly, we can convert a float value to a String using the toString(float) method. Here's an example:

float number = 3.14f;
String floatString = Float.toString(number);

In the code above, we use the toString() method of the Float class to convert the float value 3.14 to a String.

String to double

To convert a String to a double value, we can use the parseDouble(String) method. Here's an example:

String doubleString = "3.14";
double number = Double.parseDouble(doubleString);

In the above code, we use the parseDouble() method of the Double class to convert the String "3.14" to a double value.

double to String

Similarly, we can convert a double value to a String using the toString(double) method. Here's an example:

double number = 3.14;
String doubleString = Double.toString(number);

In the code above, we use the toString() method of the Double class to convert the double value 3.14 to a String.

Relationship Diagram

Let's now visualize the relationships between the different conversion methods using a relationship diagram.

    String ||--o{ int : "Convert to int"
    String ||--o{ float : "Convert to float"
    String ||--o{ double : "Convert to double"
    int ||--o{ String : "Convert to String"
    float ||--o{ String : "Convert to String"
    double ||--o{ String : "Convert to String"

The above diagram represents the relationship between the different conversion methods discussed earlier.

Class Diagram

Now, let's take a look at the class diagram that represents the Android Convert class and its methods.

    class Convert {
        +toInt(String input: String): int
        +toString(int input: int): String
        +parseFloat(String input: String): float
        +toString(float input: float): String
        +parseDouble(String input: String): double
        +toString(double input: double): String

The above class diagram represents the Convert class with its different conversion methods.


In this article, we explored the Android Convert utility class and some commonly used conversion methods it provides. We saw examples of converting between different data types such as String, int, float, and double. The Android Convert class makes it easier for developers to handle data conversions in their Android applications, allowing them to seamlessly work with different types of data.

Remember to always handle exceptions when performing data conversions, as invalid input can lead to runtime errors.