JavaCore Heap Dump


In Java programming, the heap is a region of memory where objects are allocated and deallocated during runtime. It plays a crucial role in managing memory and determining the performance of an application. However, sometimes we may encounter issues related to memory management, such as memory leaks or out-of-memory errors. To diagnose and analyze these issues, we can use heap dump, which is a snapshot of the heap at a particular moment in time.

In this article, we will explore what heap dump is, how to generate one, and how to analyze it using tools provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK). We will also discuss some common memory-related issues and how to identify and resolve them using heap dumps.

What is Heap Dump?

A heap dump is a binary file that contains a snapshot of the entire Java heap memory at a specific point in time. It includes information about all the objects in memory, their types, sizes, references, and other related details. Heap dumps are useful for analyzing memory-related issues, such as memory leaks, excessive memory usage, or identifying objects that consume a significant amount of memory.

Generating Heap Dump

To generate a heap dump, we can use the jmap command-line tool provided by the JDK. The syntax to generate a heap dump is as follows:

jmap -dump:format=b,file=heapdump.bin <pid>
  • format=b specifies the format of the heap dump file as binary.
  • file=heapdump.bin specifies the filename to save the heap dump.
  • <pid> is the process ID of the Java process for which we want to generate the heap dump.

Alternatively, we can also generate a heap dump programmatically using the HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean class from the package. Here is an example:


public class HeapDumpExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String fileName = "heapdump.bin";
        HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class);
        bean.dumpHeap(fileName, true);

Analyzing Heap Dump

Once we have generated a heap dump, we can analyze it using various tools provided by the JDK. One such tool is the jhat command-line tool, which is part of the JDK. The jhat tool starts a web server and allows us to browse and analyze the heap dump using a web browser.

To analyze a heap dump using jhat, we can use the following command:

jhat heapdump.bin

After running the command, the jhat tool will start a web server on a specific port (usually 7000) and display the URL to access the analysis in the console. We can open the provided URL in a web browser to navigate through the heap dump analysis.

Additionally, there are other tools like Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) and VisualVM that provide more advanced features for analyzing heap dumps. These tools offer graphical interfaces and powerful features for identifying memory leaks, analyzing object dependencies, and optimizing memory usage.

Common Memory Issues

Heap dumps can help identify and resolve common memory-related issues in Java applications. Some of these issues include:

  1. Memory Leaks: A memory leak occurs when objects are no longer needed but are still referenced, preventing garbage collection. Heap dumps can help identify leaked objects and their reference paths, allowing us to fix the code and release unused memory.

  2. Excessive Memory Usage: Heap dumps can reveal objects that consume a significant amount of memory. By analyzing the heap dump, we can identify these objects and optimize their memory usage, such as reducing unnecessary caching or using more memory-efficient data structures.

  3. Out-of-Memory Errors: Heap dumps are especially useful for diagnosing out-of-memory errors. By analyzing the heap dump, we can identify objects that consume excessive memory and optimize memory usage to prevent future errors.


Heap dumps provide valuable insights into the memory usage of Java applications. By generating and analyzing heap dumps, we can diagnose and resolve memory-related issues such as memory leaks, excessive memory usage, and out-of-memory errors. The tools provided by the JDK, such as jmap, jhat, Eclipse Memory Analyzer, and VisualVM, assist in analyzing heap dumps and offer advanced features for memory analysis.

Next time you encounter memory-related issues in your Java application, consider generating a heap dump and using appropriate tools for analysis. It can significantly help in identifying and resolving memory-related problems, resulting in a more efficient and stable application.


  • [Oracle Documentation: jmap](
  • [Oracle Documentation: HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean](
  • [Oracle Documentation: jhat](
  • [Eclipse Memory Analyzer](
  • [VisualVM](