Python3 SMTP Debuglevel: Explained with Examples

In Python, when working with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send emails, you can use the debuglevel attribute to set the level of debugging output. This can be helpful for troubleshooting and understanding the communication between your script and the SMTP server. In this article, we will explore how to use debuglevel in Python3 SMTP, along with some code examples.

Understanding SMTP Debuglevel

The debuglevel attribute in Python3 SMTP is used to set the level of debugging output. By default, the debuglevel is set to 0, which means no debugging output is provided. You can increase the debuglevel to get more detailed information about the SMTP communication process. The higher the debuglevel, the more verbose the output will be.

Here is an overview of the different debuglevel values in Python3 SMTP:

  • 0: No debugging output
  • 1: Display only the server responses
  • 2: Display the messages sent and received between the client and the server
  • 3: Display all debugging output (messages, responses, and connection steps)

Now, let's see how to use debuglevel in Python3 SMTP with some code examples.

Code Examples

Setting Debuglevel to 1

import smtplib

# Create an SMTP object
server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)

# Set debuglevel to 1

# Continue with sending emails
# ...

In this example, we set the debuglevel to 1, which will display only the server responses during the SMTP communication process.

Setting Debuglevel to 2

import smtplib

# Create an SMTP object
server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)

# Set debuglevel to 2

# Continue with sending emails
# ...

By setting the debuglevel to 2, we will see the messages sent and received between the client and the server in addition to the server responses.

Setting Debuglevel to 3

import smtplib

# Create an SMTP object
server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)

# Set debuglevel to 3

# Continue with sending emails
# ...

Setting the debuglevel to 3 will display all debugging output, including messages, responses, and connection steps.


In this article, we have explored how to use debuglevel in Python3 SMTP to set the level of debugging output. By adjusting the debuglevel value, you can get more detailed information about the SMTP communication process, which can be useful for troubleshooting and understanding the interactions between your script and the SMTP server.

Remember to use the appropriate debuglevel value based on your debugging needs, and always ensure to handle sensitive information securely when working with SMTP in Python3. Happy coding!

    title Example Gantt Chart
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    section A Section
    Task 1           :done,    des1, 2022-12-25, 20d
    Task 2           :active,  des2, after des1, 15d
    Task 3           :         des3, after des2, 5d
    title Example Pie Chart
    "Apples" : 45
    "Oranges" : 25
    "Bananas" : 30

With these examples and explanations, you should now have a better understanding of how to use debuglevel in Python3 SMTP. Experiment with different debuglevel values in your scripts to see the detailed debugging output and improve your SMTP communication process. Happy coding!