RedissonClient Factory Method Exception


In modern software development, the use of distributed systems has become increasingly prevalent. One tool that is commonly used in distributed systems is Redis, an open-source in-memory data structure store. Redisson is a Java client library for Redis that provides various features and utilities to simplify the integration of Redis into Java applications.

When working with Redisson, you may encounter exceptions thrown by the RedissonClient factory method. This article aims to explain the common causes of the "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error and provide a solution for resolving it.

Understanding the Exception

The "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error typically occurs when the RedissonClient factory method fails to create an instance of the RedissonClient object. This exception is a nested exception, meaning that it is caused by another exception.

The specific nested exception is of type This is a shorthand reference to the RedissonException class, which is the root exception class for all Redisson-related exceptions.

Common Causes and Solutions

1. Redis Server Connection Failure

One common cause of the "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error is the failure to establish a connection with the Redis server. This can occur due to various reasons, such as incorrect server configuration, network connectivity issues, or Redis server downtime.

To resolve this issue, you should first ensure that the Redis server is running and accessible. Verify the Redis server's configuration, including the host, port, and any required credentials. Additionally, check the network connectivity between your application and the Redis server.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to configure a RedissonClient object:

public class RedissonConfig {

    private String redisHost;

    private int redisPort;

    private String redisPassword;

    public RedissonClient redissonClient() {
        Config config = new Config();
                .setAddress("redis://" + redisHost + ":" + redisPort)
        return Redisson.create(config);

2. Incorrect Redisson Configuration

Another possible cause of the exception is incorrect configuration of the RedissonClient object. This can include invalid Redis server addresses, incorrect authentication credentials, or missing required dependencies.

To resolve this issue, double-check your Redisson configuration and ensure that all values are correctly set. Pay attention to the Redis server address, port, and password. If you're using Redis in a clustered environment, make sure to configure Redisson accordingly.

3. Dependency Conflict

The "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error can also occur due to conflicts with Redisson dependencies. This can happen if you have multiple versions of the Redisson library or conflicting dependencies in your project.

To resolve this issue, review your project's dependencies and make sure they are compatible with the version of Redisson you are using. Use a dependency management tool like Maven or Gradle to manage your project's dependencies and ensure they are consistent.


The "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error is a common issue when working with RedissonClient in Java applications. It can occur due to various reasons, including connection failures, incorrect configuration, or dependency conflicts.

To resolve this issue, it is important to verify the Redis server's availability and configuration, ensure the correctness of RedissonClient configuration, and manage dependencies properly. By addressing these common causes, you can effectively resolve the exception and successfully integrate Redisson into your distributed system.

State Diagram

The following is a state diagram depicting the possible states and transitions when encountering the factory method exception:

    [*] --> FactoryMethodException
    FactoryMethodException --> RedisServerConnectionFailure
    FactoryMethodException --> IncorrectRedissonConfiguration
    FactoryMethodException --> DependencyConflict

Class Diagram

The following is a class diagram demonstrating the relationship between the RedissonConfig and RedissonClient classes:

    class RedissonConfig{
        +redissonClient() : RedissonClient
    class RedissonClient{
    RedissonConfig --> RedissonClient

With the information provided in this article, you should now have a better understanding of the "Factory method 'redissonClient' threw exception" error and how to resolve it. Remember to always double-check your configuration and dependencies when encountering this issue. Happy coding with Redisson!