DBeaver MongoDB Driver

DBeaver is a popular database management tool that supports various database systems, including MongoDB. In order to connect to and interact with MongoDB databases, DBeaver provides a MongoDB driver that allows users to perform various operations such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data.

Installing DBeaver MongoDB Driver

To get started with DBeaver MongoDB driver, you need to install DBeaver on your machine. The installation process may vary depending on your operating system, but you can find detailed instructions on the DBeaver website.

Once DBeaver is installed, you can add the MongoDB driver by following these steps:

  1. Open DBeaver and go to the "Database" menu.
  2. Click on "Driver Manager" to open the driver manager window.
  3. In the driver manager window, click on the "New" button to add a new driver.
  4. Select "MongoDB" from the list of available drivers.
  5. Fill in the necessary driver details such as name, class name, and URL template.

After adding the MongoDB driver, you can now connect to your MongoDB databases using DBeaver.

Connecting to MongoDB using DBeaver

To connect to a MongoDB database using DBeaver, you need to provide the connection details such as host, port, username, and password. Here's an example of how to connect to a MongoDB database using DBeaver:

  1. Open DBeaver and go to the "Database" menu.
  2. Click on "New Connection" to open the connection wizard.
  3. Select "MongoDB" as the database type.
  4. Fill in the connection details such as host, port, username, and password.
  5. Click on "Test Connection" to verify the connection.
  6. If the test connection is successful, click on "Finish" to save the connection.

Once the connection is established, you can start performing operations on your MongoDB databases using DBeaver.

Querying Data in MongoDB using DBeaver

DBeaver provides a graphical user interface for querying data in MongoDB. You can write MongoDB queries using the MongoDB Query Language (MQL) and execute them directly from DBeaver. Here's an example of how to query data in MongoDB using DBeaver:

  1. Open DBeaver and connect to a MongoDB database.
  2. Go to the "SQL Editor" tab.
  3. Write your MongoDB query in the editor. For example, to retrieve all documents from a collection named "users", you can write the following query:
  1. Click on the "Execute" button to run the query.
  2. The results will be displayed in a tabular format.

Inserting and Updating Data in MongoDB using DBeaver

DBeaver also allows you to insert and update data in MongoDB databases using a graphical user interface. Here's an example of how to insert and update data in MongoDB using DBeaver:

  1. Open DBeaver and connect to a MongoDB database.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab.
  3. Select the collection where you want to insert or update data.
  4. Click on the "Insert" button to insert a new document.
  5. Fill in the document fields and click on "OK" to insert the document.
  6. To update an existing document, select the document in the table and click on the "Edit" button.
  7. Modify the document fields and click on "OK" to update the document.

Deleting Data in MongoDB using DBeaver

DBeaver allows you to delete data from MongoDB databases using a graphical user interface. Here's an example of how to delete data in MongoDB using DBeaver:

  1. Open DBeaver and connect to a MongoDB database.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab.
  3. Select the collection from which you want to delete data.
  4. Select the documents that you want to delete by clicking on the checkboxes in the table.
  5. Click on the "Delete" button to delete the selected documents.


The DBeaver MongoDB driver provides a convenient way to connect to and interact with MongoDB databases using DBeaver. With its intuitive interface and support for various operations such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data, DBeaver is a powerful tool for MongoDB database management.

Installing the DBeaver MongoDB driver and connecting to MongoDB databases is straightforward. Once connected, you can easily perform operations on your MongoDB databases using the graphical user interface provided by DBeaver.

So if you're working with MongoDB databases and looking for a versatile and user-friendly tool, give DBeaver a try. You'll find that it simplifies your database management tasks and enhances your productivity.

"DBeaver is a powerful tool for managing MongoDB databases, providing a user-friendly interface and support for various operations. With its MongoDB driver, connecting to and interacting with MongoDB databases becomes effortless."